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  • Users: malom
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  1. malom

    Sonic Robot Blast ! Project Junio

    Update 3 : Wips 3 finished
  2. malom

    Sonic Robot Blast ! Project Junio

    Update 2 : I started doing this level about 2 weeks ago so far I still haven't determined the concrete location where the level takes place (to create a consistent skybox)
  3. malom


    yeahhhh still crashing 1716480188 also fudge canyon crash
  4. malom


    every time I beat garand site 16 the game crash
  5. malom

    Sonic Robot Blast ! Project Junio

    Update 1 : the level design for wips-3 is finished all that remains is to put the objects, the emblems, and the skybox
  6. malom

    Sonic Robot Blast ! Project Junio

    At first I tried to make level center around the bullet dash but it was to over power
  7. malom

    Sonic Robot Blast ! Project Junio

    Sonic Robot Blast Project Junio is a mod with Junio Sonic as the main character(obviously) made by: MotorRoach . The Map Pack was supposed to be level 20. I decided to divide it into updates which will generally be 5 levels but it will still take time since I also make maps for frontiers . main...
  8. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    i have totally let down the mods . Back when it wasn t cancel i was already enhanced the zone from the first version and for the udmf part i will use it for all the zone of my next mods
  9. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>> - Cancel

    just to inform that the mod has been cancelled. Unlike the beginning of development, I have a very specific vision of what I want to do and it's not really what sonic frontiers is supposed to be. the next version of the mods will not have a large hub system around twenty levels at the release...
  10. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    malom updated srb2 frontier <<canceled>> with a new update entry: Cancel Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    basically all cyberspaces had 4 emblems I forgot to remove its one
  12. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    i will check the other map are good or they also lag ?
  13. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    All the level is lagging ?
  14. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    That odd when i test it , it was okey Maybe if you delete the old save data
  15. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>> - add emblem hint and

    nothing special just a emblem radar
  16. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    malom updated srb2 frontier with a new update entry: add emblem hint and Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    malom updated srb2 frontier with a new update entry: add emblem hint Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    Aw give me 10mn i m hoing to implement that 1677946782 1677949266 it took me 40mn :sadthumbsup:
  19. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    You have to collect emblem for the extra level
  20. malom

    srb2 frontier <<canceled>>

    malom updated srb2 frontier with a new update entry: minor fix Read the rest of this update entry...