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  1. metalharbor

    The Mega Map Jam Collab

    I read this as "Mega Man Jam" and got confused. I'm looking forward to trying these though!
  2. metalharbor

    Project Tailwinds

    I'm working on a new single-map, mission-based mod. With influence from Pilotwings and the weird Sonic Chuck Yeager origin story. Probably to be released at SAGE in September. More updates to come.
  3. metalharbor

    Change floor texture with lua

    Thanks! That worked.
  4. metalharbor

    Change floor texture with lua

    I now have: addHook("ThinkFrame", do for sector in sectors.iterate do if (sector.tag == 1) then sector.floorpic = GFZFLR02 end end end) Not worrying about checking rings yet...but it doesn't seem to do anything. Not sure if this is the way I've...
  5. metalharbor

    Change floor texture with lua

    Thanks for your help. Unfortunately that doesn't really get me any farther. I actually mean to change floor flats for sectors with a specific tag (eg. tag 100), not the sector the player is actually in. Is there a way to do that? (I think I know how to limit it to my own maps using level...
  6. metalharbor

    Change floor texture with lua

    I want to use lua to change a floor texture after checking the player's ring count. I'm guessing it's something like this. addHook("ThinkFrame", do for player in players.iterate if player.rings >= 10 sector.floorpic = GFZFLR02 end end end) However I don't know how to...
  7. metalharbor

    Sol Sestancia 2 playtesting.

    I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but some of the places with low ceilings and springs cause problems for players with unusual jump strengths or physics. In particular, the end of the farm level (with the horse springs) and the courtroom area in one of the city levels gave me...
  8. metalharbor

    Sol Sestancia 2 playtesting.

    Great to see this!
  9. metalharbor

    [Open Assets] Sunset Heights

    XD I honestly had no idea
  10. metalharbor

    [Open Assets] Sunset Heights

    metalharbor submitted a new resource: Sunset Heights - But in SRB2 Read more about this resource...
  11. metalharbor

    [Open Assets] Sunset Heights 2024-03-03

    Sunset Heights, based on the incomplete Dark City Act 1 map from SRB2 the Past by @glaber This is a short level that will be very easy with flying and climbing characters, but it should be easy to get the hang of it with Sonic and similar characters. Challenge missions may be added in a later...
  12. metalharbor

    General project screenshot/video thread

    Turning Dark City into Sunset Heights (from @glaber's Sonic Robo Blast to the Past
  13. metalharbor

    Calamity Canyon

    like I said, it's just the default model
  14. metalharbor

    Calamity Canyon

    The model is just the default Jeck Jims model with sapphire color The cover illustration is taken from the Sonic Channel Gallery on the Sonic Fandom Wiki
  15. metalharbor

    Sonic and the Gunslinger

    No major changes. However, the WADs have been combined courtesy of @Pikaspoop and the folder structures are a bit different ... everything seems to be working the same but it is possible I have missed something. 1699993106 By the way, if anyone wants to adapt these levels to single...
  16. metalharbor

    SRB2 v2.2.13 Released

    In the latest updates, was there a change to the way that spin dash works in 2D? In earlier versions, holding forward during a spin dash would stop the spin dash. Now it works like you'd expect it to. If this was changed, the new way is definitely for the better. If not maybe I just reset my...
  17. metalharbor

    Sonic and the Gunslinger

    Thanks! There was a fair bit of livestreaming during SAGE, which was nice to see...looking forward to what everyone has to say here.
  18. metalharbor

    Calamity Canyon

    metalharbor updated Calamity Canyon with a new update entry: "Sonic and the Gunslinger" released Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. metalharbor

    Calamity Canyon - "Sonic and the Gunslinger" released

    The full "Sonic and the Gunslinger" mod is now released on SRB2MB