what im saying is that the term "art" gets thrown around way too much around these parts, that it just makes us think that its like the greatest thing ever. we should be calling things by what they are, not some broad term that makes the thing look better than it actually is, this applies for my mods too. i know that my mods are art, but im never gonna call them that because literally no one outside of this community would refer to it as so.This reads the same to me as "I think paintings are a form of art, I am not going to call it art because I prefer calling it by what it is, a painting." or "I think books are a form of art, I am not going to call it art because I prefer calling it by what it is, a book." Yeah, video games are a form of artistic media. Simply boiling them down to "video games" doesn't make them less art any more than boiling down "paintings" or "books" or "movies" does with them.
ring racers being called "fan art" on the github, im bringing this up again, if i showed my friend ring racers, and said to him "yeah this is a work of fan art," my friend would be like "no, this is a fan game."
"art" is a good DESCRIPTIVE word for the mods we make. i would agree if you said "this mod is a work of art!" yes, it is a work of art! but the word around here is instead used as a NOUN, which is too broad of a term for what we make here.
what im saying is that the term "art" is so abused around here to the point where everyone just thinks "oh yeah this is art!" as in a NOUN when art is (and should) be used in the DESCRIPTIVE way. i am not denying that mods are a form of art, but i am sick of the word art being used in a way that makes basically everything in this community seem more high and mighty and based than it really is.
i may be proud of my mods, but i know that they are never going to be my best work due to srb2's limits, so i don't put them on an unnecessary pedestal for everyone to see because i know that i can do better. plus this is a mod for srb2, so you're working off of something that isn't yours anyways. so maybe the "art" here isn't as original as everyone may think