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SRB2 Rush! (or srbrush if you prefer)


"Born in 1947 but made for the 90's"
old project from the srb2fan12, me and my friend sonikkuboy are working on it rn
hehe bois, this ain't not cancelled..

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you want more?


  • srb20100.gif
    6.9 MB · Views: 165
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It's awesome to see this project again, not really surprising but exciting to have you guys get back on SRB2 Rush. Although, am I allowed to join? I think I can achieve Sonic Rush's 2D Style. I've been mapping Zone Builder a lot lately. Although, I haven't gotten used to Ultimate Zone Builder. Do you guys use it though? Because it uses UDMF.
Do you have Discord?
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"I’ve come to make an announcement"
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I don't have discord. Again, it's a good idea to do so. But I don't have it. So you may as well do a conversation in here.
Good morning people! I'm back with a new gif of current Leaf Storm (we still don't have textures :devastation:)

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Update : We have textures, thanks to Heitor for converting them into the SRB2 format and making them usable!
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Hmm maybe more Pits and Enemies you cant see until its too late/jk

This honestly looks petty cramped and linear

Its also more indoors than the Original Leaf Storm from Sonic Rush, maybe give the area some more room and add some more room for thok barriers?
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most people here (especially old team rush leader
Hmm maybe more Pits and Enemies you cant see until its too late/jk

This honestly looks petty cramped and linear

Its also more indoors than the Original Leaf Storm from Sonic Rush, maybe give the area some more room and add some more room for thok barriers?
most team rush members (especially old leader thesrb2fan12) suck at level design
Hmm maybe more Pits and Enemies you cant see until its too late/jk

This honestly looks petty cramped and linear

Its also more indoors than the Original Leaf Storm from Sonic Rush, maybe give the area some more room and add some more room for thok barriers?
As I said so many fucking times, I'm just building the basic level design. Of course it looks cramped. Thok barriers WILL be added.
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Also we got textures boys!!
This was only done with "Find and Replace" in Zone Builder haha. The leaf ceiling textures look pretty bad and need to be upscaled.
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As I said so many fucking times, I'm just building the basic level design. Of course it looks cramped. Thok barriers WILL be added.
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Also we got textures boys!!
This was only done with "Find and Replace" in Zone Builder haha. The leaf ceiling textures look pretty bad and need to be upscaled.
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View attachment 132595
yoo looking sick, if you want any help im always free (for mapping)
Here are the plans for SRB2RUSH MK-II compared to the original :
  • Each zone will now have 2 acts instead of one.​
  • Every level will have custom textures ripped from Sonic Rush.​
  • Custom fonts (stage titlecards, system fonts, HUD)​
  • Custom sound effects from Sonic Rush​
  • New logo (gonna show it soon!)​
  • Secret levels!! (was already started in the original version, but never completed and released)​
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Here is our new logo!
Capture d'écran 2024-07-26 173709.png

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