Fun Fact Thread

Earth is not a perfect sphere.
It is slightly wider at the equator due to centrifugal force from it's rotation.

Additionally, If the Earth were to stop spinning, water would migrate to the poles.
The early vision for Bomberman by Hudson soft was some sort of weird robot
There was a Malaccan warrior called Hang Tuah. Thought it was claimed by a professor that that is not real name but Hang Tuha, and Tuha is related tu Tua means old. He said people called Tuah because researchers failed to read this old Jawi spelling توه. This is abjad writing derived from Arabic, and it can be read as tuha, tuah and toh, because at a certain time Malay people stopped using arabic diacritics, so it will cause confusion and made homograph.
Fun fact :
U can't access castle eggman through map map etc
It will say something like that you're a cheat
In about 26.8 million Malaysians addicted to internet.
Some people might call addictive internet people "Internet slave".
I'm worried about young people though.
In sa2 during the prison island escape cutscene, (which is pretty similar to the egg carrier escape cutscene btw) you can see Tails escaping from the explosion in his tornado (probably with Sonic and Amy) but if you pause at the right moment, you'll see that Tails use his sa1 dreamcast model:
Capture d’écran (29).png
I've not been far enough west to Oregon yet, but one of my dream locations to visit in it would be Crater Lake, the result of an eruption from Mount Mazama thousands of years ago wherein the caldera turned into the deepest lake in the country when water and melted glacier ice filled the now-dormant volcano hollow. It's recent enough that there weren't actually any fish native to it; they were brought in during the late 1800's to allow for fishing opportunities. The water level forms two islands - Wizard Island, a pyroclastic cone, and Phantom Ship, a small rock formation jutting out to appear akin to a tattered and decrepit vessel viewable near the shore.


Adding to this sense of wonder along with longevity is what you could call a "mascot" of the lake: an undead tree that miraculously floats with its ends pointing up and down rather than laying flat, having affectionately been called the "Old Man of the Lake" and had been recorded and witnessed there since not long after they stocked the fish. I say "undead" because the cool water appears to assist in halting the decomposition of the wood, so its name quite aids to the elderly vibe that emanates off. It can float wherever the wind and waves take it, and has an interesting appearance of a bone-dry, sunbleached "head" while under the clear water it wears shaggy, moss "clothing" that probably could hide a few puny lake-dwelling invertebrates in its soggy green pockets. This palefaced trunk receives enough publicity to where it's been imposed onto it an ability to control nearby weather, definitely an advertisement you'd get me eager to stop by your national park, among other prospects to sightsee.

Yeah, I got a few.
  • the band Fall Out Boy named themselves after the Vault Boy from Fallout
  • the Caspian Sea is actually a big lake
  • a group of meerkats is called a "business meeting"
  • Cleopatra is closer to us historically than she was to the building of the pyramids
  • Yasuke was an African slave taken to Japan by Italian missionaries in the mid-to-late 1500s. Oda Nobunaga took an interest in him and made him his servant instead, and some say even an honorary samurai. After Akechi Mitsuhide murdered Nobunaga, the Akechi army captured him and turned him back to the Italians. There's a legend he freed himself eventually and returned to his homeland where he taught people the way of the samurai.
  • a group of meerkats isn't actually called a "business meeting"
  • there's more chess games possible from the starting position than there are stars in the observable universe - we solved 7-piece endgames and are close to 8-piece endgames, but it's getting exponentially more difficult and to even think of solving a 32-piece game we'd need quantum computers
  • Prague claims the act of defenestration as its own after 3 different incidents in the span of less than 2 centuries where people got thrown out the windows of the same town hall
  • there's significantly more Maya pyramids than there are Egyptian
  • meerkats are ranked among mammals the highest in homicides (yes even with humans on the list), particularly due to clan wars. dunno how to feel about that, personally
  • I was born in November, almost exactly 9 months after Valentine's day so I'm 98.997% sure I was an accident!
I could think of more but the list is becoming a little difficult to read.

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