How's Robotnik Ring Racers going for everyone so far ? (NO SPOILERS PLEASE)

I can definitely understand why some (maybe even a lot of) people will end up not liking Ring Racers or prefer SRB2Kart. If you were expecting Ring Racers to be an upgrade of SRB2Kart, then yeah, RR is not that at all. In some aspects, it seems to have gone in the opposite direction of SRB2Kart. And if those aspects were what you liked most about SRB2Kart, you'll probably not be all too fond of Ring Racers.

But that said... the many mechanics and more complex handling, while certainly alienating, are the main reasons why I'm liking this game so much right now. At every moment I'm having to make multiple decisions. Should I use my rings here? Should I drift? Should I brake? Should I fast fall? How sharp is that next turn? Should I save my powerup and try to take the shortcut?

Your mind has to be constantly engaged, fighting sometimes literal uphill climbs with strategic use of every tool at your disposal. But when you play your cards just right and find yourself zooming up those hills, it feels like winning... even if you're actually in 12th place.

Weirdly, going back to SRB2Kart for a bit, it feels almost relaxing in comparison. I'll definitely continue to play both games, depending on my current mood.

I don't think Ring Racers is a replacement for SRB2Kart, but then I suppose that's why they decided to give it its own name and release. Ring Racers is not a traditional kart racer at all... but I think that's kinda why I like it so much, to the point that I think I prefer it over SRB2Kart.

I'd say that SRB2Kart is an excellent pick-up-and-play kart racer with Sonic-themed characters and tracks. Ring Racers, in contrast, is a hardcore physics-based platforming racer that feels specifically designed to be a Sonic game... not just in terms of aesthetics, but also in terms of mechanics.

I think a lot of people are going to like this game for the same reasons that other people don't like it. Time will tell just what the ratio of one to the other will be, but regardless of which proves more popular in the long run... I think it's a good thing that both games exist.
I've been having fun with it as it stands so far. But I've got a lot of issues with it as well. I have yet to play it online or with other people, so this is speaking from a purely single player position. But here we go:

1: I think the Computer AI is MASSIVELY overpowered, even on Easy and after their nerf at v2.1. They seem to constantly have the ring boost going and never run out of rings unless being hit. Their use of items is on-par with high level computers in Super Mario Kart, as they seem to know exactly the right angle to block items, and seem to gain just the right item when it bests benefits them. I haven't really seen them target each other much either.

2: While unlocking things is fun, I think that the process should be streamlined considerably. While Time Attack, Online, and Addons are now more straightforward, I think that not unlocking all the tracks in a cup for other modes when you unlock the cup is more annoying than anything, and you should at least get the primary rainbow of colors from the start. Also the Chao Keys could still use some work, considering it's not just 10 Keys to unlock a large box, you need 10 keys plus the unlocks of every other box around it.

3: I don't think the Ring System and the Items should be on the same button. I understand the desire to combine an F-Zero Boost System with the Mario Kart Item system, but they often get in the way of one another. Holding onto items prevents the use of Rings, and most of the items hitting you will cause you to be unable to do anything, including the use of rings to restore your momentum. Not to mention that a good chunk of the items need some work. Best Example: All the Shields have problems. Lightning Shield should be able to negate a single hit passively, just not the massive attacks like bombs and such, or why does it even have a shield look?(I know it didn't work that way before, but it would make more sense) The Bubble Shield is plain confusing, and often when you're trying to trap someone in it, you'll get hit by an item and end up trapped in it yourself, despite it being a shield and should instead just get popped by the item. Then if you steal a Fire Shield with a ghost, you'll be trapped in a Fire Shield with no energy to be used for boosting, and it still doesn't block a normal grade item.

I look forward to seeing the game grow at the very least, and I like both how it looks and how it plays, it just needs some adjustments.
Was feeling hella PISSY about it first but after a few days I got used to the new physics and controls and had a good time. smthn that prob contributed to the pissiness was bc I mostly played offline, and I now know that......playing offline on Gear 2 Normal mode with the intent of winning every race is just not possible. so there's no use in taking it as seriously as I used to, I'll just get those emeralds another day. besides, i feel like I'm unlocking even more content than before with all of these online races
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I agree with Inferno. I think the physics also contributed to controversy as it was just THAT shocking and sudden to the community. But as days go by, I'm starting to see more people warm up, even if they call it "jank" (which IMO it is because of its slipperiness), they still say it's enjoyable, and that it has a lot of passion and effort put into it.
I have love hate relationship with RR. While I do love the visuals, the music, the amount of unlockables (thought a bit overwhelming) and the high skill ceiling. you can't deny that some of those thing (especially the unlockables and gameplay) are major turnoffs to some.

I think its the underlining expectation that this will be better than SRB2K or it will control/feel exactly like Mario Kart. If i were to compare it to some thing control wise it would be the earlier Mario Kart games like Super Mario Kart or Mario Kart 64 where the drifting feels different to Mario Kart 8
in RR's case i feel like this was very intentional to give a different game feel whether thats good or not to some. it doesn't help that the controls isolate a lot of new players with how complex they are like with the weird drift, not being able use ring while holding items, (this is definitely on purpose tho to make you think whether you sac your item for speed or use it to fend of your opponents) or the gravity thing. and it can feel like some inputs are useless outside of niche circumstances like the spin dash

to some the the unlocks are tedious and not worth the effort besides the characters
i personally disagree, the unlocks add major replay value and something to chip away at while you race and with the keys you get you don't have to worry about doing the more challenging quests. besides if you want all the character just use the code to unlock them all

i love this game! jank and all
Sorry if this doesn't make sense i wrote this at 2AM i'm very tired
Having a blast with it so far
The graphics are good,the mechanics are fun(imo) the ring system is very helpful the game can't be even called a "kart V2" anymore,it's a completely different thing which I loved it
Only gripes with it are colors being locked and AI being still a lil too hard but the game is still fun if you ignore both of these
Also I'm sorry but for people complaining about online and add-ons being locked irks me cus come on. It's just one cup. It's a warm up for you to get used on how different ring racers is.
Overall the game for me is as good as kart but *def* above kart for me lol
Also I'm sorry but for people complaining about online and add-ons being locked irks me cus come on. It's just one cup. It's a warm up for you to get used on how different ring racers is.
Overall the game for me is as good as kart but *def* above kart for me lol
Same tbh I didn't have a problem with online and addons being locked, I thought it was nice and made the player GET USED TO THE CONTROLS BEFORE THEY JUST JUMP INTO AN ONLINE RACE AND START LOSING THEIR SHIT
It rocks. That's all I'm saying.

The charm the tutorial has made me stick around to the end, even in the way it was at release.

I'm just holding off until if the rival AI gets nerfed somehow. At least, if ring boost's no longer even stronger to them, because... bruh, it's just unusual.
I'm really enjoying it up until now. The tutorial is a bit lengthy but I don't find it too long, especially considering the complexity of the gameplay. My only complaint is that I wish there was 2 different buttons for using items and using rings. I don't know if there is and I'm just not finding it in the options but it makes it so difficult to hold an item to use it at the perfect opportunity while also maintaining high speed
I'm really enjoying it up until now. The tutorial is a bit lengthy but I don't find it too long, especially considering the complexity of the gameplay. My only complaint is that I wish there was 2 different buttons for using items and using rings. I don't know if there is and I'm just not finding it in the options but it makes it so difficult to hold an item to use it at the perfect opportunity while also maintaining high speed
Gotta have to agree with tha one, because the RB button's like, right there.
my opinion: pretty fast and AMAZING PRESENTATION (like literally-)

although I still sorta prefer SRB2 Kart just a bit . The devs did a good job and I can really tell with the games visuals and game play

How do you feel about it ?

I think the passion of the devs shows on the surface; from how the game looks visually, to the amount of Sonic and SEGA reps they have as drivers, and the efforts to make it feel like an old-school kart racer with that Sonic-inspired control and level design.

The question now is how well it all held up...and the answer can easily be described as a "mixed bag" situation once you start looking under the hood (the game's code), and it makes you start questioning how much testing went into it. Between the CPUs rubber-banding harder than MK64, the rival getting every buff under the sun by simply existing, the lack of invincibility after getting hit leading to you getting wombo-combo'd into the stratosphere, the egregious requirements to unlock most of the returning cast, and the damn special makes me feel like more focus went into the multiplayer than the single-player; which is fine...but that was part of the reason Ring Racers even exists is that people wanted a single-player mode...and it kinda sucks because of the massive difficulty curve (and I say this as someone who has legitimately unlock 50% of the game's content, got
7 of the emeralds
AND got a
platinum medal
in Time Attack on what the community considers one of the worst courses in the game). They did make it easier to get Chao Keys to unlock stuff on the Challenge Board (akin to Kirby's Air Ride and Super Smash Bros.) by earning one every five races instead of fourteen, but that doesn't solve the problem of the challenge feeling too overwhelming.

The multiplayer feels much more enjoyable (despite the suffering I went through on stream recently), and where this game shines the most in a closed setting with friends around your skill level (like SRB2Kart). Got to try out battle mode too during the stream, which was a fustercluck...but that's battle mode in any kart racer.

The Rings and Spindash I'd say are two of the best mechanics they've added; the rings being useful for every type of racer, whether to help accelerator characters get a lot of speed, help speed characters recover their lost speed after getting hit, help lightweights build drift sparks faster, or to help heavyweights make turns better. Best addition by far. The Spindash? Perfect for getting out of or cutting through offroad and for skimming across the water. It would have made for an interesting risk versus reward for taking the time to charge a spin dash and skip item boxes to take shortcuts...unfortunately, tripwire gates are almost EVERYWHERE there's a potential shortcut and you need a power item to pass through those most of the time (or just go fast, no seriously). The Fast Fall is useful in some situations, but the bounce after landing makes trying to stick the landing more difficult; only use it at the end of a trick or when there's a long drop. Speaking of the trick system they pulled from the Sonic Advance titles...I'm not a fan, simply put. Sometimes I get confused that down makes you go up, and up makes you go forward, and the system is rarely used in the tracks I've played, but when they ARE used, it comes out of nowhere due to being barely able to set the trick panels...or things that ACT like trick panels (like balloons and pogo-springs) which the game doesn't make clear. You can't cancel tricks either (as of 2.1), so you're forced to trick, even when it would be the worst decision possible (failing tricks/trying to cancel them via fast fall forces you into tumble!). And the respawn mechanic? ...I was lapping some of the CPUs and was able to ride the coattails of their respawn devices to get a speed boost and keep my lead. ...They intended this mechanic to be used as a "get back in the pack/bullet bill" button, but it can be abused to keep your frontrunner status going longer.

Long story short; it's worth at least playing with friends, even if you're not a fan of Sonic or Kart racing games. If you don't wanna unlock stuff, the devs gave you the passwords in a text file to unlock everything so you don't have to go through the pain, but you would be missing out on half of what the game has to offer, even if it's damn difficult. And remember the addon scene for SRB2K? It's here in full force too, and it hasn't been long since the game's launch. I even made a Mario and a Luigi racer addon within a few days of them releasing the patch which contains KartMaker. I hope everyone gets some enjoyment out of this game, regardless of how big or small it is, but Ring Racers feels like a game I can only play for an hour and a half before I start to lose my mind.
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I personally have my own laundry list of issues with Ring Racers (tutorials focusing on rarely used techniques, no explanations of advanced techniques anywhere, no explaining races, no explaining items even though many changed, unfair AI in a mode that's supposed to ease you into the game) but my biggest issue is the items.

A lot of the items have been changed to have several uses, but in my opinion it just ended up clogging the game instead of giving you more choices.
Like, for instance, here's all the items that can be used as land mines:
Land Mine (Of course), Drop Target (The Bumper), Bubble Shield (Not sure why this one), Banana, Pogo Spring, Proximity Mine and Orbinaut (This one I don't get. What was wrong with simply firing it backwards?)
Meanwhile Mario Kart (inevitable comparison, sorry) got rid of its redundant item, The Fake Item Box, as far back as 2011.

It's also near impossible to tell how long some items last. The Flame Shield and Gardentop can be used less the closer to 1st you are. That's great and all but it just means I don't know what it will do. And Grow is a coin toss depending on if it's separate Grow or the one from Shrink. Which I think shouldn't even be a thing anyway because then Shrink makes Grow's existence redundant.
I think the SPB got a fantastic buff though. Wish I ever saw it outside of pre-determined capsules though.

The biggest issue however is just that the items aren't very good? Usually I just grab them because they're in the way, toss them wherever and continue getting rings because the rings are just way better. I'd rather keep using the things that help me cross the track than something that may or may not help me attack or defend.
And I don't think that's going to change as long as the items are bad and the whole gameplay relies on rings as hard as it does.
Gotta have to agree with tha one, because the RB button's like, right there.
Yeah, I think the devs want to limit the number of buttons because of the cute Sega Saturn layout they show but they map some useless stuff to entire buttons, like Z in the Sega Saturn controller does NOTHING
Yeah, I think the devs want to limit the number of buttons because of the cute Sega Saturn layout they show but they map some useless stuff to entire buttons, like Z in the Sega Saturn controller does NOTHING
There's only 2 less buttons on a Saturn Controller than a modern controller, those being the stick clicks. That said, I do love the Saturn Aesthetic, especially when using my Saturn Pro Controller to play the game. And the Z button does need a bind if it doesn't actually have one.

Heck, the Saturn Control Aesthetic is half the reason I prefer the 3D Models over the sprites.
Em i know this has Nothing to do with giving my Opinion (Also i play the Game and I LOVE IT) But Why inst a Addons Section for Ring Racers,this game has a Addon Support after all and heck even a Character can be Unlock with adding a Mod to the Game and Even has a Separetion with the Servers with being a Core Server or Modded Server,so why the Message Board dont have a Addons Section for Ring Racers yer?!
Em i know this has Nothing to do with giving my Opinion (Also i play the Game and I LOVE IT) But Why inst a Addons Section for Ring Racers,this game has a Addon Support after all and heck even a Character can be Unlock with adding a Mod to the Game and Even has a Separetion with the Servers with being a Core Server or Modded Server,so why the Message Board dont have a Addons Section for Ring Racers yer?!

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