Recent content by ZachToonz

  1. ZachToonz

    [Open Assets] The Momentum Mod

    The new CrossMomentum is better, but this is great on it's own.
  2. ZachToonz

    How to export sprites?

    So i was using SLADE, i wanted to export my sprite so i could edit them, but it came out in a different file. any help
  3. ZachToonz

    Jeck Jims' 2.2 3D Models

    Bro, XMomentum would look cool in 3D *wink wink* (Thats a sign you should add XMometum to the 3D models list)
  4. ZachToonz

    Scaler - Size customizer

    I seen many rescaler mods in my time. but I gotta ask, when I go small, is it supposed to break out with the screen? that usally happens to me when trying mods.
  5. ZachToonz

    The "FSonic" Double Combo

    How does FSonic fly anyway?
  6. ZachToonz

    Silver The Hedgehog

    Ummmm.... How to defeat first boss? i really suck at playing silver
  7. ZachToonz

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    How to change hud? I want to change the hud but i dont know what to do. can anyone help?