Recent content by xirtamehtsitahw

  1. xirtamehtsitahw

    [Open Assets] Callie Hedgie (CallieMacN) The Dessert Update

    OMG this is SO cute! She's so fast when she goes Super, and her hair goes blond to boot. Super-Callie-fragi-listic-expi-ali-HEDGIE! NYOOOOOM! milkshake zooms right past my head at Mach 12
  2. xirtamehtsitahw

    [Open Assets] Hyper Abilities

    Um...where is the download link for this patch?
  3. xirtamehtsitahw

    Angel Island Tour

    Dude...Sonic 3 & 3D?! This is both insane and absolutely astonishing. THE best Sonic game, now rendered in full 3D. Absolutely epic.