Recent content by werehog1999

  1. werehog1999


    werehog1999 updated WerehogChars with a new update entry: basically the same except the secondcolor part Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. werehog1999


    werehog1999 submitted a new resource: WerehogChars - haha funny character pack lol Read more about this resource...
  3. werehog1999

    WerehogChars v1.1

    Just a character pack of some of the characters I love and some you should recognize. Credits: Patchouli Knowledge made by Evil Sonic Remilia Scarlet made by AchiiroMako Please show them your support by following them on social platforms, they are amazing artists!
  4. werehog1999

    Patchouli Knowledge

    werehog1999 submitted a new resource: Patchouli Knowledge - Patchouli Knowledge, head librarian of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, reads her way into SRB2Kart! Read more about this resource...
  5. werehog1999

    Patchouli Knowledge 1.0

    Patchouli got word from Koakuma that Remilia, Sakuya, Flandre, Hong, and Cirno are out karting w/ Sonic and friends and she isn't too happy about them not inviting her. So she decides to take matters into her own hands by joining in on the fun! Hope she told Koakuma to keep an eye on the library...