Recent content by VenezuelanGuy

  1. VenezuelanGuy

    Hog the Tenrec

    I love it.
  2. VenezuelanGuy

    [Open Assets] Super Characters

    VenezuelanGuy submitted a new resource: Super Characters - Instant Super Transformation without ring drain Read more about this resource...
  3. VenezuelanGuy

    [Open Assets] Super Characters 1.0

    This will force Super Transformation without Ring Drain. I do this when i used HMS1123311 Character again. Some bugs: When you start on a checkpoint, will restore music and player starts with normal form idle. (just move to set super form sprites) Some Modern Sonic Abilities makes Ring Drain...
  4. VenezuelanGuy

    Invalid When you make custom controls on Android Port, starts like this.

    Why this happens.