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    • Sunflowerstein reacted to PikaJade's resource Millie "BluEyes" Prower with Cool! Cool!.
      Millie "BluEyes" Prower A slightly older Tails from the not-so-distant future, BluEyes provides a slightly speedier take on the...
    • Months ago i made a Red mod because i thought nobody else would ever bother to make a angry birds mod and here we are this mod is pretty...
    • Sunflowerstein reacted to Robofox's resource [Open Assets] Angry Birds Characters with Cool! Cool!.
      Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda and Hal has come to stop Eggman, and get back the eggs! Every bird can break...
    • Sunflowerstein reacted to LeoTheHedgehog12's resource Ashura the Glitchhog with Cool! Cool!.
      DO NOT APPROVE UNTIL SATURDAY Ashura steps out from behind the waterfalls to show everyone who's boss! DROP DASH Press Custom 1...
    • Sunflowerstein reacted to Alternative's resource AltSnick with Cool! Cool!.
      It's him! The little purple porcupine from Pizza Tower SAGE Demo! He has some new tricks up his sleeve (wait he doesnt...
    • Sunflowerstein reacted to PikaJade's resource SMB2 Toad with Cool! Cool!.
      [WARNING: This addon contains minor flashing lights. If you're sensitive to that kind of thing, be careful.] SMB2 Toad As seen in Super...
    • Sunflowerstein reviewed the resource game accurate Smb1 mario.
      Honestly really good mod, never thought i'd see this guy seeing the light of day again but looks like i was wrong and now hes finally...
    • Sunflowerstein reacted to OofioPlaysSonicGames's resource game accurate Smb1 mario with Cool! Cool!.
      Its-a him, Mr.retro, ever since buggie left the dev team for the smb1 mario he worked on, it felt incomplete, so it made me want to make...
    • Sunflowerstein replied to the thread Add-on Ratings changes.
      i'd say something but i read over the whole thread and lost of people have already stated how simply dumb this change is
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