Recent content by SpeedyS

  1. SpeedyS

    Max Control Pack

    here's a fun thing to do: chaining wall dashes
  2. SpeedyS

    [Open Assets] Super Mystic Sonic [SMSreborn v3-2: Boundless]

    this makes me wonder how i can do black hole and novablast with HMS with no major lagspikes on a crappy pc
  3. SpeedyS

    What country are you guys from?

    Brazil, as seen in my profile.
  4. SpeedyS

    [Open Assets] Super Mystic Sonic [SMSreborn v3-2: Boundless]

    Weirdly, while i was testing HMS on SRB2 Station, I used his abilities so hard that some of my game's textures got corrupted, and then the game crashed after pressing Esc; Edit: I found out it's an issue with OpenGL. And i guess also because i'm using the 32-bit version on my 64-bit computer.