Recent content by SontailsTGM

  1. SontailsTGM

    StephChars v2.1 - World Of Colors Update!

    Im a skip main. cry about it. But all jokes aside i love this character as it makes srb2 much more of a exploration game also smug dance makes it even better it makes me feel happy.
  2. SontailsTGM


    Y E S
  3. SontailsTGM

    Maimy, the Rosy Robot

    Nice work on this character! Im good with amy so this kinda fits me now to be honest im hoping for a metal version of fang
  4. SontailsTGM

    [Open Assets] Free movement while rolling (Spin Control)

    This actually fits with spamdash
  5. SontailsTGM


    this is so poggers