Recent content by skullsBlur

  1. S

    SRB2 Console Ports info (PS3 r6752)

    would it be possible to make a PS2 port of SRB2. (im just curious)
  2. S

    Srb2 for iPod

    i love the idea but there would be issues regarding SEGA because SRB2 is a fangame and SEGA wouldnt want a fangame that would probobly be free. (if paid then SEGA would be annoyed that they wouldnt make any money from it.) Also apple wouldnt allow it because of copyright stuff. I think so but i...
  3. S

    Dreamcast port?

    hello im new here but i would like to say something. i obviosly dont know much about the updates that are going on but wouldnt you want to rather than update it see how well the older versions of SRB2 would run on the dreamcast i have probobly made spelling mistakes.