Recent content by Shades14236

  1. S

    1.09.3 Bug Reports

    Sabre found this, so its the "Sabre Bug". In Silver Cascade fly on top of the TV in the middle of the level as Tails, and have someone jump on the black box so it bobs up and down. Now, if hes standing at the right place on the TV, he'll "Fall Into a Bottomless Pit" because he was pushed under...
  2. S

    1.09.3 Released

    All we need now is 3d characters like in your avatar SSN. :roll:
  3. S

    Sonic Island's Zone

    SLAVES OF SONIC TEAM!? Ha! Do you not see what is there? Shadow is a Bio-Hedgehog. Heck, you could call him a Bio-Hedge-Arms. SPOILERS FOR SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG Shadow was created by Professor Gerald, with a little help from Black Dooms blood. END SPOILERS And thats just one of the many reasons...
  4. S

    Sonic Island's Zone

    I still think he should be there. Silver too....if he is a good character...
  5. S

    Sonic GX Part 3

    Whats the name of the music in that video? *Dances*
  6. S

    Sonic Island's Zone

    The only thing missing is a Shadow Island with the chaos emeralds under it. >.> Or something to that extent. <.<
  7. S

    EGGMANSWAY5 Remade public beta 1

    You know what I hate about this wad? Enemys. Too. Fast.
  8. S

    Super Mystic Sonic (V.1.09.4)

    Dark Warrior, hpw about this? I'll make Super Mystic Sonic an ELEPHANT. :P
  9. S

    EGGMANSWAY5 Remade public beta 1

    I've had mine since....2000. But then again....Shades The Echidna....Shades The Hedgehog.... Ah well, keep your character. They ARE both different speicies...
  10. S

    EGGMANSWAY5 Remade public beta 1 Thats my character if you wanna know.
  11. S

    EGGMANSWAY5 Remade public beta 1

    NAME TAKEN. Change name.
  12. S

    Nights character wad preview.

    Is this being worked on at all? This is my only hope for a NiGHTS wad, and I'd love to see it finished.
  13. S

    Inverted palette colors!(title says it all)

    I ain't happy, i'm feeling glad, i've got awesomeness, in a wad, its useless, but not for long, it's future, is coming on. -Quoted from the song "Clint Eastwad" by Shadrillaz. :P
  14. S

    1.09.3 Released

    I hope you actually release 1.09.4 SOON. I can't stand all these "MB Betas" and "Patches". For now, I use 1.09.2. VIVA LA 1.09.2!
  15. S

    Super Mystic Sonic (V.1.09.4)

    A m-m-m-mod!? And its set in a tropical paradise place! Complete with 36 LEVELS!? *Faints*