Saturn Ross's latest activity

  • Saturn Ross reacted to Plutia's resource [Open Assets] Hyperdimensional Maps with Cool! Cool!.
    Need some maps of questionable quality from unusual sources? I've got you covered. Currently contains 1 race map and 1 battle map. -...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to Metalwario64's update for resource Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) with Cool! Cool!.
    The Shining Alpha server is open yet again! This time we're un-janking GS Grind Rails before its first official release, as well...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to SharkGuy's update for resource SharkGuy's Big Bias Bundle! with Cool! Cool!.
    -INDIVIDUAL VERSIONS FOR EVERYTHING (except the OCs and the followers) -CUSTOM COLORS !!! -Massively updated the sprites for Martzy...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to acqua's update for resource acqua 3D Models with Cool! Cool!.
    actually its been 14 months since i started modeling but whatevrr !
  • Saturn Ross reacted to MetalSonicDash's update for resource MSD Pack with Cool! Cool!.
    to start off, thank you waiting for as I was busy doing irl stuff for the time being that kept me from doing stuff. anyways Nakoruru...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to Udgey's update for resource Draft Tracks (Ring Racing Edition) with Cool! Cool!.
    - Added geometry at the end to prevent a cut that would miss the first checkpoint, causing the lap to be revoked. - Pulled back the...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to Udgey's update for resource Draft Tracks (Ring Racing Edition) with Cool! Cool!.
    - Added Sunken Remnant - Added Peril Pagoda (Prison Break / Battle)
  • Saturn Ross reacted to StarManiaKG's update for resource [Open Assets] The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd with Cool! Cool!.
    Hey guys, fixed some bugs here! I also added some cool new things too! Let's get into it quickly, shall we? CHANGELOG Game Changes...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to JackieJelly's resource neodoesmoosic's Grow RE-Mix with Cool! Cool!.
    this here's a simple mod that replaces the growth theme with a remix done by neodoesmoosic! this mod was made with permission from them...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to Snoot-Boi 69's resource [Open Assets] N64 Controller UI with Cool! Cool!.
    This mod is for replacing the sega saturn controller UI with the N64 controller for those that use either the OG controller or the...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to Julia's resource [Open Assets] Drift Hopping with Cool! Cool!.
    Hello there! Have you, for whatever purpose, wanted a drift hop similar to Mario Kart's or ESPECIALLY Crash Team Racing's? No? Well...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to KellyGoblin's update for resource KelPack with Cool! Cool!.
    Hey all! Here's a quick update while I work on bigger things to come. CHARACTERS: Introducing 1 New Character to the roster: Fennec...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to Peppermint's update for resource Peppermint's SRB2 Styled Models with Cool! Cool!.
    Uhhh.. yeah.. Just a simple patch that fixes and tweaks the animations on X Sonic and Adventure Sonic, that's mostly it...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to DragonFromGigiza's resource GigizaDragon's Character Pack with Cool! Cool!.
    What started with just Rotor is now being turned into a character pack. Will add more characters as I finish them Here's who I got so...
  • Saturn Ross reacted to StarManiaKG's update for resource [Open Assets] The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd with Cool! Cool!.
    Hey all, Star here! It's been like, what, 50 million years since the last official update? Well, it's time to change that! On top of...