Recent content by Robbis

  1. Robbis

    What would you want in a new Sonic Boost Formula game if one was in development?

    Well, I would prefer if they tried a new gameplay formula as I’m sure we all would, but if they had to: Really show what the Hedgehog Engine 2 can do, we saw what Sonic Unleashed looked like 12 years ago and to this day that still holds up as visually one of the best looking Sonic games...
  2. Robbis

    Post your pics/art here!

    This is my personal favourite piece: Huge fan of The Weeknd:
  3. Robbis

    Introduce Yourself

    Hey, my name is Robbie. I doubt anyone here would remember except maybe a few admins but roughly around 10 years ago, 9 year old me went on here as "The Speed Breaker" with some concepts for character wads and got shut down instantly lol. Mostly cause i couldn't draw at the time (must say the...