Recent content by Ray Rosalia

  1. Ray Rosalia

    Exetior's chase

    okay something is weird with mines. it was working fine for a bit but now suddenly EXE sonic just immedietly kills me as soon as i load into the map. like i ain't even loaded in yet and i already hear the evil laugh death sfx. Is there a way to fix this?
  2. Ray Rosalia

    SRB2infinity - A Phantasy Star knockoff!

    so i haven't given this a try yet, but i was wondering: for singleplayer mode is there a way to add like bots in singleplayer using something like buddyex or foxbot? if not would it be added in the future?
  3. Ray Rosalia


    Hey so i got a couple of questions i would like to ask: 1) is there a way to slow the bot down for platforming? i notice the bot tends to just go at full speed no matter what so is there a tag that makes them slow down at all? 2) can you add more than one path bot? (be cool for races and stuff)...