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    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      He does not, He only uses Sonic Battle Abilities
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      I see! That's actually gonna make playing Emerl super fun(at least imo) as we have to work for the moves instead of just having them at...
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      So you just have access to all of them from the start?
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      And from what I can gather they are a big WS fanboy/fangirl, correct?
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread SRB2: Generations.
      I heard someone mentioning he said it's delayed till January of 2025, which is a good move imo
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      ...What the hell happened??? I noticed an update to the thread but I was not expecting to see that how thing happening.
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread [Open Assets] Custom Boost.
      So does Dash Mode, but theoretically whoever is using this mod on a character could just...remove the thing that enables dash mode or...
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Quick Time Events!.
      I sent a friend request because Discord doesn't allow DMs without being in the same server as someone
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Quick Time Events!.
      I'm also willing to test but uh...is the model for unleashed sonic actually in game or is it just a place holder to make the mod not...
    • PupDaNi reacted to Rueven's update for resource N64 Mario with Cool! Cool!.
      Here's a small interim update to play with as I've been tinkering with this mod a lot after making the Ring Racers N64 Promo Bros. mod...
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I didn't say the spindash itself I said the spin-dash "tech" the one where you stomp and hold the spindash button, you then shoot off...
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Yeah but the stomp into spin-dash tech shown off in the gifs is specifically a Frontiers thing
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread doom powers (patch for shadow).
      Also be sure to get permission for this before going any further
    • PupDaNi replied to the thread doom powers (patch for shadow).
      I think it'd be better if you made the doom wings work like how aether uses her butterfly wings
    • And also apparently some people decided they want things exactly how they want it, for example: them harassing BlueM because the mods he...
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