Recent content by Oshtoby

  1. O

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    It looks really cool, that mod. I don't think it looks like Sonic Adventure's Wall Run in motion, though, so I think I will still be making mine, as my mod is (aiming) to make the slope physics and wall running work a little closer to Sonic Adventure 1.
  2. O

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    No, no. It's end of alpha, beginning of Beta. I mean, look at the gifs I posted. It's (for the MOST part) working at the base level.
  3. O

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    A STUPID amount of angle calculations and crazy person math. Here is a snip-it of a part of the script. This is all spaghetti code, though. Once I know everything works, I'm essentially going to rewrite it to make it pretty and take less processing. I essentially am reprogramming walking from...
  4. O

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    Well, my intention is to make a "one size fits all" situation. As in, I can't make new sprites, only use what is in whatever character the user loads. I am hoping for this .LUA to be able to be packed in a stage and have it "Just Work" with almost any character, allowing for stage creators to...
  5. O

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

  6. O

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    Oh, yeah, man. It's super Beta. I am worrying more about the functionality before I make it look pretty.
  7. O

    Wall Running and Loops (LUA)

    I literally made this because I wanted to do this as Adventure Sonic. I spent a year of my life (off and on) making it happen. Why would I do this to myself? Hello. I'm working on this thing. It's got an insane amount of Sine, Cosine and Tangent and that kind of garbage in it. It should be...
  8. O

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    Yeah, I plan to add the speed requirement later on (super easy to do, it's just easier to have it off while initially making it).
  9. O

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    It's not finished, and is still early alpha. When it is, I will publish it and make it reusable so people can package it in a stage make Sonic Adventure type levels.
  10. O

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    I still maintain this is a cool idea. I decided to make a LUA script to go hand in hand with Adventure Sonic (and coincidentally any character) and try the wall/ceiling run thing out. Please ignore potato quality, it was originally a .GIF, but for some reason it kept erroring out when I tried...
  11. O

    [Open Assets] sloperollangle: Character Rotation on Slopes

    Replying to this almost a year later, but if you go into the .LUA and change line 38 from local lookAngle = R_PointToAngle(mo.x, mo.y) // Get the angle that we're looking from. to local lookAngle = mo.angle it fixes it for models. Breaks it for Sprites, though. So, you know. You can only have...
  12. O

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    That's fair.
  13. O

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    I would disagree. Running on walls from a slope is definitely within Sonic's toolkit within the SA games. See video here (a good example starts at 45 seconds in): Link to direct time if video doesn't show. That said, this isn't a make or break, obviously. Just a neat idea. It would just be...
  14. O

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    So, this is a silly idea, and I don't know if this is the right venue, but I have a cool idea that could happen but would take a little bit of ingenuity. It would be cool if Adventure Sonic could run on walls like he can in the Adventure games. I know that walls aren't walkable in SRB2, but it...
  15. O

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    Goddang that looks so awesome. Any idea on when it will be released? I want to play through the game like that, like, yesterday. That's rad.