Recent content by Opalien

  1. Opalien

    Trip the Sungazer (WIP)

    Finally a Trip mod! I thought I was gonna have to learn lua and become a sprite beggar just to see something like this. Just make sure to give her the ability to be gay as F&#k around Amy or else you'll learn what happened to the last guy who forgot about that./s
  2. Opalien

    Peppermint's SRB2 Styled Models

    Ok I figured it out guys! You just need to go into the Peppermodels folder and rename AMY.png to something else then go into the BONUS folder and grab AMY_ALT.png and rename it AMY.png and drag it into the main Peppermodels folder and the Amy model should use that texture now.
  3. Opalien

    Peppermint's SRB2 Styled Models

    To what exactly? I'm really not used to this stuff and pretty paranoid I'll mess it up and break everything.
  4. Opalien

    Peppermint's SRB2 Styled Models

    Hey, dumb question but how do I use the eyeliner Amy alt?