Recent content by NeonifyNyan

  1. NeonifyNyan

    S3 Sonic

    There's already an addon that does that.
  2. NeonifyNyan

    S3 Sonic

    I don't think that's a bug.
  3. NeonifyNyan

    S3 Sonic

    Hi, I seem to have issues regarding changing settings through the character's menu. From what it looks like, while starting up the game it seems that the addon has written a config file that runs during startup. Of course, since the addon isn't loaded yet, the console prints back that the...
  4. NeonifyNyan

    Jet Metal Sonic: Model H

    Day one netplay bug, i have no idea what caused this, just joined in a server, switched to jms and he looked like this.
  5. NeonifyNyan

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    A lot of people on the MB made the argument that Sega doesn't care about what people make as long as it's not for profit, but if Nintendo DMCA'd so many videos about Nintendo fangames and then took those fangames down, doesn't mean that Sega can't do it as well as it's their own intellectual...
  6. NeonifyNyan

    Sprites for Tails' Tails Sprites during Dash mode.

    Still not what I'm trying to say, i'll make it simple. I just want tails' tails to look different when dash mode is activated. Is that possible without lua or not?
  7. NeonifyNyan

    Sprites for Tails' Tails Sprites during Dash mode.

    No, I'm not talking about if tails has dash mode by default or about what threshold characters run at, what im trying to say is: If i give a custom character the SF_DASHMODE tag that uses a followitem that is MT_TAILSOVERLAY, could it have sprites for the overlay when said character gets into...
  8. NeonifyNyan

    Sprites for Tails' Tails Sprites during Dash mode.

    Are there perhaps any TAL## sprites that get used during the Dash mode state? Because I was going to make some for them to make something for a project.
  9. NeonifyNyan

    [Open Assets] Knuckles dig

    is there also perhaps a way to remove the super form's afterimage while digging?
  10. NeonifyNyan

    [Open Assets] Knuckles dig

    So uh...this can happen with Super Knuckles. Is there any way to fix this?
  11. NeonifyNyan

    [Open Assets] Jet Metal Sonic

    Uh...I don't even know what happened here. This happened in a multiplayer server with these addons here: addfile CL_RChars-v1-2.pk3 CL_Maimy-v1.6.pk3 VCL_RocketMetal_V1.pk3 CL_MetalSonic3.0-v1.pk3 CL_JetMetalSonicRevised-v1.0.3.pk3 CL_ShadowAndroid-v1.3.pk3 CL_MechaSonic-2.4.5.pk3...
  12. NeonifyNyan

    [Open Assets] Jet Metal Sonic

    Found a bug during a normal playthrough of the game, in TH2, using the charge stomp in the purple goop results in the character getting stuck until you use any other charge ability, i did not load any other addon, as i was only testing the new version of jet metal.
  13. NeonifyNyan


    Did windows pop up with this window? if so then you can just press "More info" and then "Run anyway" 1665823392 this is normal behaviour since it's not downloaded a lot on the internet, giving it the "unrecognized" tag, it might be also because there's no information on who made the program...
  14. NeonifyNyan

    How do i make my SKIN make a dance?

    ight cool, I managed to fix the audio issue, but I still had problems regarding the sprites, I did freeslot the emote sprites for it to work, I even tried to change this piece of code: states[S_PLAY_EXTRA] = {SPR2_EMOT, 0, 9, nil, 0, 0, S_PLAY_EXTRA}, I don't know if I had to change that or...
  15. NeonifyNyan

    How do i make my SKIN make a dance?

    Cool script! but there's one problem that I encountered, I tried to put a song for the emote and then change the name of the song inside of the script, but when I activated the emote it would just not find the .ogg file, resulting in a "lump not found" error when trying to load the music, is...