Recent content by Memphis the Dork

  1. Memphis the Dork

    [Open Assets] Dr. Coomer from Half-Life but the AI is Self-Aware

    Hello Forum! Introducing Dr. Coomer, scientist and rope enthusiast from the machinima "Half-Life, but the AI is Self-Aware." Having escaped the Black Mesa research facility, Coomer enters the races in his stolen tram. How does it go without rails? Science, of course! To make his sprites, I...
  2. Memphis the Dork

    S o n i c h e e e r r o o o e s

    Played it as a kid. Fun times. Haven't played it since, but I have the feeling I'll still like it.
  3. Memphis the Dork

    [Character] Funky Kong

    It's about time.
  4. Memphis the Dork

    [Open Assets] Tiara Boobowski

    Heh heh. -owski...
  5. Memphis the Dork

    Efini RX-7

    The DeLorean, of course!
  6. Memphis the Dork

    [Open Assets] Dr. Coomer from Half-Life but the AI is Self-Aware

    Hello Forum! Introducing Dr. Coomer, scientist and rope enthusiast from the machinima "Half-Life, but the AI is Self-Aware." Having escaped the Black Mesa research facility, Coomer enters the races in his stolen tram. How does it go without rails? Science, of course! To make his sprites, I...
  7. Memphis the Dork

    Pyra's Procrastination _Lack Of Motivation And Skill_ Thread

    Be patient with yourself. Even if it isn't perfect, be proud that you made something. Take as much time as you need. I won't judge you.