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    • MeatClown reacted to COOLSKELETON95's post in the thread X Sonic with Cool! Cool!.
      in some of the gifs from before the release, x would spam a bunch a taunts while a sound called "special needs" plays, how do i do this
    • MeatClown replied to the thread X Sonic.
      Not to sound like a complete weeb but is there still a way to change sonic's voice to Jun'ichi Kanemaru or is that no longer a option?
    • MeatClown replied to the thread Feels The Rabbit!.
      The triple jump mechanic genuinely so cool and I wish that if Feels was ever in a sonic game I'd hope he play like this! (っ^▿^)💨
    • MeatClown reacted to Starlight's post in the thread Feels The Rabbit! with Cool! Cool!.
      Why, Look! that's Feels The Rabbit! How about that. Feels The Prototype Rabbit This character is the idea of "What if Sonic's...
    • 5.00 star(s) I love the competitiveness of the these maps. I personally really like retrowave rush as am a sucker for the synthwave aesthetic...
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