Recent content by knightfox_viber

  1. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic

    Did anybody miss me?
  2. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic

    uhh sonic where did you go
  3. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic

    found a glitch when you levi dash onto the pulley path you will keep the midair time when riding it
  4. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Tails

    i can prove it 1678931709 here it's not the best but it'll do
  5. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic

    look what i made edit: srb2 pallete glitch 1678816487 i tried to spawn him in in buddyex, in character select it shows hesse sonic in game it shows sonic so what should i type in.
  6. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Tails

    i can do shading 1678815529 here is insparation
  7. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic

  8. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic

    i finally got in the addon download beacause firefox wasn't responding i'm so exited to download it. thank you blueM for making this wonderful addon for srb2.
  9. knightfox_viber

    Neo Sonic

    you can use pandora's box
  10. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic (Done.)

    Here is an idea: in battlemod, when you have tyson hesse sonic on and someone is approaching you you can counter by running to them and kick them like in the image that will be one of his attacks
  11. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic (Done.)

    the :knuxsmug: smug will lower the chance you have to become betatester to 30% or less 1675450058 i tried to make it look better..
  12. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic (Done.)

    do it in hand drawing go to scratch import the sprite go into draw sprite then select pixel. not a bad idea right?
  13. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic (Done.)

    he also does one similar in the intro in sonic mania 1673796940 at 0:38 he curls into the dropdash
  14. knightfox_viber

    Tyson Hesse Sonic (Done.)

    if he does the dropdash can you make him curl like fallen star