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    • Kaio reacted to MotorRoach's post in the thread Thank you all for the wonderful years with Cool! Cool!.
      Sorry to shock all of you, but today I announce that I'm leaving the SRB2 team and community as a whole. I never thought this day would...
    • Kaio reacted to Metalwario64's update for resource Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) with Cool! Cool!.
      Golden Shine posting! A few weeks ago, Metalwario64 just casually dropped his SA2 model for public use! Yes, the very same one you've...
    • Kaio reacted to InfernoMelon's post in the thread Risk of Rain 2 with Cool! Cool!.
      Risk of Rain 2 is honestly one of the best games I ever played for a game genre that I don't even like/played any, I would literally...
    • Kaio replied to the thread Risk of Rain 2.
      Aside from the horrible launch of the dlc what do you think about it
    • Kaio reacted to Watermelon's post in the thread Risk of Rain 2 with Cool! Cool!.
      It's not exactly a roguelike, it's a roguelite, which means it's inspired by the roguelikes genre but it doesn't belong to it...
    • >sz says he doesnt want to be associated >Gets mentioned by name Will yall listen to the dude or not???? First the dilemma of whether...
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