Recent content by Grimmdays

  1. Grimmdays

    Tortured Planet v9 (scmrtf_TorturedPlanet-v9.wad)

    I know this is probably considered ancient at this point, what with 2.1 out now and everything, but I have to say this level pack was and is beast. I can definitely tell a LOT of detail went into this one, and I'd love to see it revived for 2.1 as well. SNZ2 and LGZ2 are two of my favorite maps...
  2. Grimmdays

    Mystic Realm 2.1?

    Could someone port over Mystic Realm to 2.1? It doesn't work right using the old file.
  3. Grimmdays

    Metal Sonic

    REALLY great wad, would love to have this actually unlock in the game after beating him in ERZ3.
  4. Grimmdays

    Space Chase Zone (s_spacechase.wad)

    Excellent wad. So excellent, that I think it would serve as an actual boss in the game, maybe from Dark City to Grand Eggship or something, with a few changes maybe. Really great wad, keep up the good work!