Recent content by Frenetic_souL

  1. Frenetic_souL

    Recommended Computer Specs?

    I'm thinking about getting a new laptop PC sooner or later, and I tried doing a bunch of research on processors, GPUs and stuff. I haven't paid much attention to specs for a while and I'm pretty sure there's some folks here that could be informative. I'm interested in a laptop that can handle a...
  2. Frenetic_souL

    Introduce Yourself

    I don't even remember introducing myself when I first joined the forums, but oh well. I'm Kyle, a 16 yr. old male in a lil' ol' town in Arkansas and I've been playing this game from time to time since 1.09.4. Used to love that fanmade character, Shadic, which my old name from (Dark Shadic or DS...