Recent content by DahCulDood

  1. DahCulDood

    Super Mario Bros.

    Is it possible to add custom power-ups to this mod? I wanna see a recreation of all the new power-ups from Wonder. I feel like the Bubble Flower would be the easiest to implement.
  2. DahCulDood

    N64 Mario

    Hip Skipping is incredibly inconsistent for me. Is there some algorithm I should know about?
  3. DahCulDood

    [Open Assets] Pig

    Siiick! Glad I played Bad Piggies a ton when I was younger. A few suggestions: - Make parts like the engines and the pig be placable in boxes. You took the Bad Piggies 2 approach, and I don't like that. - Wood stuff should be able to burn. Maybe make this a toggle in the console and have it off...
  4. DahCulDood

    Super Mario Bros.

    In a future update, make it so that if Mini Mario/Luigi runs towards a wall, they start running up it, and if they run off a ledge, they start running down the wall. Just to make this mod more accurate to the Mario games. I don't think it would be too hard to implement, except maybe the running...
  5. DahCulDood


    I would really like an option to deactivate all active mods without having to close the game entirely. After doing so, the game would restart with no mods. There would be a lot less hassle.