Recent content by CloverCorp

  1. CloverCorp

    [Open Assets] Sonic Robo Blast 2 the Past Version 2.0

    Is there a way to change characters in the singleplayer to get all these nasty character exclusive emblems.
  2. CloverCorp

    Official Level Design Collab 2023: Round 1

    One last complaint about this years OLDC, twilight forest runs TERRIBLY for some reason and I'm not sure why. even when I switch to software turn my render distance on everything to minimum its kind of ridiculous. other than that I have had so much fun with this years OLDC and am after every...
  3. CloverCorp

    Official Level Design Collab 2023: Round 1

    This years been really good but ive had some minor gripes when it comes to playing levels. specifically spleenik has that obscenely long cutscene at the beginning and end that is unskippable.