Recent content by CILC

  1. CILC

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    yea this is p fucked I’m not gonna lie. Tho a lot of what I’m taking abt still stands. Like the general energy of negativity, I feel like blaming it on one person is kinda wrong, like everyone’s been contributing to it lately and not even thru a fault of their own, I think an effort just needs 2...
  2. CILC

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    just kinda putting my thoughts here 2 get em out somewhere, idk if I’ll keep responding, maybe I’ll get banned for being on a high horse or some shit who knows This whole convo has genuinely made me shocked, I was planning on taking a small break from the comm but holy shit the aggression here...
  3. CILC

    Stage Gates

  4. CILC

    Official Level Design Collab 2023: Round 1

    it’s worth the wait
  5. CILC

    What is your (or one of) all time favorite srb2 level/s and why?

    want to know what people think, anything is on the table, vanilla modded etc I want to know what personally makes a level great to you, what makes you really love a level above all others, what are some traits you really appreciate in a stage, etc
  6. CILC

    What changes do you want in 2.2.14?

    Axis2D being fixed would be cool
  7. CILC

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    Since this feels like a good time to ask this, what is generally the stance on reusable mods from banned users? There’s a particular user who has multiple currently up reusable mods, yet was also banned for, to my understanding: reposting non reusable mods as reusable But if mods by a banned...
  8. CILC

    Effective criticism & reception of criticism, what does it look like?

    Commenting here again, was going to make this a think piece post separate but thought it made sense to put here I think the thing stated here about intention is *so* important Because srb2 levels can have *many* types of level design, and it’s important to acknowledge what a creator is going...
  9. CILC

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    Yeah I feel, sorry if this was confusing it was more just a little “hey my brain see connection here” lol
  10. CILC

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    I should clarify, I’m more comparing it to playing a portleg, not making one
  11. CILC

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    i feel like it’s kinda similarly disrespecting the artist, but idk I haven’t been able to get a lot of ppl to agree with that 1 lol
  12. CILC

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    Last I’ll say on it, it does seem less toxic and more “anything goes” in many ways , (unless you talk abt being trans then ur too political and need to cut it out or whatever lmao) one reason I’m in it personally is due to this, I want to see the people who HATE my levels you know? That’s very...
  13. CILC

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    This clarifies so much and is super helpful thank you, seriously I really appreciate it I’m now once again saying how I should write the thing to the staff and not doing it lmao
  14. CILC

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    Ok ok ok ok cool epic good chance to say a thing Would you agree that the ppl who play maps as modded characters they were not designed for, and proceed to criticize the maps are in a way, doing something similarly to playing a portleg and letting it shape their view?