Recent content by April

  1. April

    fznmeatpopsicle's SRB2 Model Pack - Now with Mighty the Armadillo!

    Hey! This is awesome, just wanted to say I noticed the blend file for surge covers the eye lashes. I erased the exact spots where it covers in my own copy of the blend and it looks fine now! Lemme know if you want me to send the corrected blend over! -April
  2. April

    Maveric Model 3D collapsing animation sets issue

    Hello, whenever I create sets of animations in Maveric Model 3D save them, close out the program, and reload it, I am finding that the animation sets are all collapsed into one titled "Animframes". Does anyone know how I can keep my sets saved as separate sets? Thanks! -April Reply •••
  3. April

    Maveric Model 3D collapsing animation sets issue

    Hello, whenever I create sets of animations in Maveric Model 3D save them, close out the program, and reload it, I am finding that the animation sets are all collapsed into one titled "Animframes". Does anyone know how I can keep my sets saved as separate sets? Thanks!
  4. April

    Jeck Jims' 2.2 3D Models

    I see in the play+ folder that there is a model for nights. Is there a nights wad/pk3 out there for 2.2 or is this for the eventuality of such a character mod?
  5. April

    Old vs New Kumatora

    Hello, I would like to express my disappointment in the new Kumatora wad circulating srb2kart servers today. I do wish people would consider bringing back the old one as it is more properly proportioned. -April
  6. April

    Banned from a Server but uncertain why

    How would I go about finding that out? It is RDX Combiring by the way.
  7. April

    Banned from a Server but uncertain why

    Hello, does anyone know who I can message about why/if I was banned from a server?