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    • i am very normal about fang. very, very normal.
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread Ray the Flying Squirrel.
      very fun mod!!! i've been waiting for a properly sprited ray since 2.1 LOL, it's really fun thinking of satisfying routes to glide through
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    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      oh my god LOLL it's amazing to think that there are people that like my characters that much to spend two hours writing something few...
    • crystallinegazer reacted to mg24sanix's post in the thread HorizonChars with Cool! Cool!.
      She looks more adorable in the second one aww <3
    • crystallinegazer reacted to ismjism's post in the thread HorizonChars with Cool! Cool!.
      Fair. I think it's mainly the art style change that's getting to me. I do still think the old sprites look more Sonic, and the new ones...
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      this is funny because sonic characters never exactly had set proportions, especially in the classic art style (compared to sonic, tails...
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    • crystallinegazer reacted to Ilikefortnite's post in the thread HorizonChars with Cool! Cool!.
      Aww she looks so cute
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      yeah, it's because iclyn's new sprites were started really recently LOL. all she has is her stand rotation
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      iclyn was actually always meant to be shorter than sonic LMAOO. when making her original sprites i only compared her to milne (and she...
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      yes, milne's were released in 1.1 and iclyn's are in the post they're replying to
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      now i don't want to sound rude. because i'm very tired of hearing this as it's not going to make me change my mind but did you join the...
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      that's a rerelease of v1.3 (which was released in 2020 for 2.2, once again) which was put on that website without my permission i asked...
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      legacy milne still counts as 2.2 LOL. the mod released in 2020
    • crystallinegazer reacted to MADVAL2's post in the thread HorizonChars with Cool! Cool!.
      I enjoyed the April Fools update of Milne btw, ever since it brought back many memories when i first played as Milne
    • crystallinegazer replied to the thread HorizonChars.
      I'm not a coder, but as far as I'm aware it's because something was changed in 2.2.14. Nothing's broken, it's just using a different...
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