New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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First of all, no, we are not mature.

Second of all, in pretty much every Sonic game I've played Sonic's in-game graphics have no mouth(a so-called blank emote).
Oh. I was thinking of Sonic's standing and running sprites, plus the in-level models for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.
The mouth shifts to whichever side the camera is viewing Sonic from. It's a cartoon visual effect as old as time itself, but only recently have modern 3D Sonic games been replicating it ingame (with the best example I can think of being Sonic Unleashed).
They used a cheesy version of that in Sonic the Fighters (Old Arcade Game; very polygonal).
What makes me sad is that they're not treating this like a big deal at all, just a quick bone to throw at the older fans, because they think that'll shut them up for a while. Sonic Pocket Adventure at least had new bosses.

And speaking of bosses, why aren't they bothering to change Robotnik's model to his classic look, instead of just stealing everything from Unleashed?

And speaking of bosses, why aren't they bothering to change Robotnik's model to his classic look, instead of just stealing everything from Unleashed?
If they didn't do it on Sonic, what on earth makes you think they'll do the same for Eggman? I mean wow, I thought that was just common sense.
What makes me sad is that they're not treating this like a big deal at all, just a quick bone to throw at the older fans, because they think that'll shut them up for a while. Sonic Pocket Adventure at least had new bosses.

And speaking of bosses, why aren't they bothering to change Robotnik's model to his classic look, instead of just stealing everything from Unleashed?


Absolutely. And with that I say, Sayger isn't doing it right.

Still, I want the game when it comes out. Just 'cuz it's a remake doesn't mean it's horrible! I mean, seriously, Mario Geeks didn't yell and shout when New Super Mario Bros came out! Or Super Mario 64 DS! C'mon guys, you're better than this. Act like mature people! Don't whine and cry because it's a remake!
Uh... Thing is they're trying to pass this off as Sonic 4.

Not a remake, a sequel.

Thus, your logic is flawed. Thanks for trying to find a reason not to complain, but Sayger has given us to many reasons to complain. I wouldn't have minded a name like Sonic's Classic Adventure or something like that, but no. They're trying to pass it off as Sonic 4.

Sonic Pocket Adventure was more Sonic 4 than this. In fact, Sonic Advance is more worthy of that title than this game.
Jim Sterling is my new hero. The most relevant bit:

...And that brings us neatly to the latest issue, Sonic the Hedgehog 4, and yet more idiotic fans who believe they understand the game better than anybody else. I already covered a list of complaints about Sonic 4 in a previous article, but those complaints were mostly from detractors. It's a sad day when fans are worse than critics, but that's the world we live in. We tend to hurt things we love more than things we hate. Anyway, the rampant whining of Sonic fans could very well steer us into trouble. It has done before.
When Sonic Advance was released, it was like a breath of fresh air. Or old air, if you tend to look at it that way. It was a proper, 2D, old school Sonic game, It even had the original Sonic the Hedgehog theme tune. There was no game closer to a true Sonic game within a hundred miles, but what did the so-called experts say?
Not only was this ridiculously wrong, it also led to Dimps answering those stupid criticisms with Sonic Advance 2, a game that put speed over level design and falling into the same "hold down the D-Pad to win" gameplay that haunted all over recent Sonic games. Sonic Advance 2 proved that sometimes, fans really don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Sonic was never about speed. Sure, speed was a factor, but it was there as a gameplay reward, not a gameplay substitute. The focus was on level design, and you'd get short sections of rails-like speed as little exhilarating treats throughout the game. Go play the first three Sonic games again and try to tell me that it was about speed. Compare Sonic 3 to Sonic 4 and try to tell me that Sonic is "too slow."
Then there are other arguments. Petitions for Sonic to be redesigned so that he looks exactly like his 16-bit counterpart. People going so far as to criticize the fact that Sonic has some color in his eyes, or that his legs are too long. Once again, this is a game people have wanted for a long time, and as soon as they get it, they start finding other things to moan about. Even if those things are wrong, or would take the focus away from improving the stuff that matters, or, in the case of Sonic's speed, would outright ruin the game. Shit that just doesn't matter. If the game is good, is it really crucial that Sonic's legs are stubbier? Really? Is that what we're reduced to? Is that what should be the focal point of a potentially great franchise revival?
It's the sheer selfishness of these so-called "fans" that really irritates me. They don't care about other fans, or even the developers. They don't give a shit that if a developer catered exactly to them, that they could risk making a game with limited appeal and lose money. You'd think a fan would be happy to see a game in their favorite series make some money, but apparently not. The more hardcore the fans, the less happy they ever seem to be...
New Super Mario Bros wasn't a remake either. It was a "sort of sequel"
Yes, it reused themes and bosses. Though, that doesn't make it "LOL REHASH"

Who cares is Sonic advanced is more worthy? Sonic 3 was more worthy then this game.
Not to mentioned it's THE most reused themeset in the entire series anyway that we're talking about, and if it didn't bother many people between Sonic 1 and Rush I find it difficult to believe it's really anything to complain about. Hell, the boss itself has been reused about 4 times too, and it amazes me that just now people see a problem with it.

I mean, for christ's sake at least wait until you see a second level before you start knocking on wood.
I mean, for christ's sake at least wait until you see a second level before you start knocking on wood.

And what if I don't like the second level? Will you tell me to wait for the third level? And then if I hate Episode 1 will you tell me to wait for Episode 2? And if I don't like it in a whole will you tell me to STFU?
If you don't like the second level, good for you.

All he is telling you is to wait. Remember you hated the game at first? Then you suddenly gained hope after a leaked trailer. But after a new screenshot appeared, you now hate the game again.

....... rinse/repeat
And what if I don't like the second level? Will you tell me to wait for the third level? And then if I hate Episode 1 will you tell me to wait for Episode 2? And if I don't like it in a whole will you tell me to STFU?

I'm just saying, Sonic 4 is a nostaligic throwback in itself so a Green Hill rehash is practically obligatory in the first place. If the next level reuses, say, all the enemies, decoration and the boss from Casino Night, then you can bitch. Besides, it's not as if they use the same stage design or anything.

Though to be honest I'll probably end up arguing later that a classic homage in a classic-themed game is hardly a bad thing anyway *shot*

@ the pic: Oh sure, as if Sonic hasn't made that near-exact same pose on the cover/title screen of most 2D/classic Sonic games out there.





And as already mentioned, this is hardly the first time the boss has been reused either.
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I refuse to take you seriously, Greg. You're constantly going topsy-turvy on whether this game will rock or suck over the most minuscule of details.

"Sonic the Hedgehog 4 was announced even though they didn't give us any trailers or previews to how it will look or play! This game will ROCK!"
"They're reusing a few enemies from older Sonic games! This game will SUCK!"
"A leaked video preview came out and suddenly my mind has changed! This game will ROCK!"
"They're making a lot of callbacks to the original Green Hill Zone! This game will SUCK!"

I'm a Sonic fan, and I LOVE SONIC GAMES! Let's go onto a Sonic message board and rant about my wet dream for a Sonic game and how this upcoming SEGA title is NOT EVERYTHING I EXPECT IT TO BE!

This thread is starting to piss me off.
Not to mention that the platform in the next-gen picture on your second example could be damned-near anything. It's not nearly close enough to call out an entire level design copy paste.
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