xItemLib (+ Sampler pack)

xItemLib (+ Sampler pack) 1.1.2r5

How about a drill item? the one from Sonic 2 I mean.
When active, it gives you a small speed boost, not quite as fast as invincibility but near that fast. After several seconds, or by the press of the item button, the drill launches off of you and goes straight forward until it collides with a wall (it can hit and pass through players.) Anyone that touches the drill gets hit.
This mod is great, hope to see more items made for it in the future.

However, we've run into an issue- if someone uses Exodia after a player has already finished the race, the game kinda freaks out and tries to execute Exodia over and over and over again nonstop until a map change is forced. Not 100% sure if it's just exodia itself or if it's due to some kind of conflict? But I thought it was worth mentioning. Everything else works great, though.
found a bug recently, if a player state is invalid (e.g. spectator) exodia will break and a map change would be required,
minenice updated xItemLib (+ Sampler pack) with a new update entry:

xItemLib 1.1: The Combat Update

xItemLib Core
  • xItem Extensions, to further extend and customize the functionality of xItemLib. (documentation coming in the future)
  • Minecraft-styled item cooldown, for use in custom items and extension functions to temporarily disable the use of items.
  • Added a 16-player cap to item odds distance calculation, in case xItemLib is used in games with more than 16 players.
  • Various fixes and...

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Found a (maybe?) bug and a mod confliction with this new update.

The bug seems when you use the Eggman microphone, it will sometimes play sounds from the Jar sound folder. At one point the Eggman mic played as normal, and the random sound that played was "My super lazer p***".

I'm unsure if this will be looked into, but the mod confliction from 1.0.5 to 1.1.0 is getting hit with the cannon with HP mod instantly kills you. You still get that invincibility thing when it hits you, but you blow up soon after. On 1.0.5, it'd take 30HP or so.
minenice updated xItemLib (+ Sampler pack) with a new update entry:

xItemLib 1.1.2: Pot of Commands

xItemLib Core
  • Item Rigging, with xitemdebugitem enabled, press the item button to instantly give yourself the specified item. Use xitemdebugrig to disable this behaviour.
  • togglexitem can now toggle all loaded items; run this command with no arguments to do so.
  • listxitem now displays the toggle status of each item. Items in green are enabled...

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minenice updated xItemLib (+ Sampler pack) with a new update entry:

xItemLib 1.1.2r4: Wet Update 1

xItemLib Core
  • Now up to date with the source code hosted on the GitHub page, including its enhancements and changes.
  • Downloads for extensions will now be provided on GitHub.
xItemLib Sampler Pack
  • Introducing Mad Milk (+ Orbinaut)! Victims sodden in this non-milk substance will have their invulnerability leached to the racers that hit them! A speed boost will also be granted for hitting a milked...

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A question: With this update, does the order of loading the packs now matter? I ask because Master Emerald mentions adding a feature for "more accurate" RNG based on distance. If one were to load this one later, to have this feature, would it negatively impact the other features in this update?

Also I noticed the xItem_BattlePlus_Compatibility.lua is no longer listed (nor on the GitHub), I'm guessing it's not needed? (What about if the Master Emerald's xItem overwrites this one's?)
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the moment this gets ported to drrr everyone is going to drown in jarates and it will be hilarious
Think about all of the trouble just to port this because of Ring Racer's Limited LUA... (and the new stuff to the items)

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