Tortured Planet v9 (scmrtf_TorturedPlanet-v9.wad)

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犬夜叉;684684 said:
Fawfulfan: Why, why, why are you not modifying SPSTAGE_START? Relying on defaults is bad, bad form.
Because he originally didn't modify SPSTAGE_END either, before I requested it.
Fawfulfan, I think you could work better in the level starts and ends. That would be like a path you were taking since the beginning. Level starts must look like we were somewhere. Must have a path behind us, showing the previous act. Like this: In Eruption Conduit, you can see Sunshine Atoll far away. And the ends must show where are we going. Dark walls are boring. Please attend unto my ideaaa...
It's so far away you wouldn't even be able to see it. There isn't even a shore in Eruption Conduit from which you could see an atoll. It's like trying to see the Caribbean islands from Italy.
Does it really matter whether you can see one zone from another one anyway? It's a mod for a Sonic game, after all. >_>
It sounds cool. It could be more prettier.
Oh, please, stop. I don't want you reshooting all my suggestions back to me anymore.
犬夜叉;684684 said:
Neo1000: Why the heck are you putting XSRB2 on SRB1 Remake before adding Tortured Planet?
XSRB2 on SRB1 Remake, what do you mean by that? I only boot up the game, open the console while the intro plays and type "addfile torturedplanet.wad" (renamed).

TorturedPlanet replaces the SRB1 Remake Maps with the Tortured Archives Maps. Also, when starting the game, I can't choose SRB1 Remake. Only TorturedPlanet.
Kim, another idea that could work better is after beat the act 3 of each zone one event could open a door, or show a new path where you find the next zone, like happen in the emerald isles v2.6 level pack. But apply this idea need the sacrisfied to not use the eggcapsule.

After all we are talking about a sonic game (like Monster Iestyn said). It don't need any sequence like this, it's optional only.
Okay, regarding that long debate, I'm going with SpiritCrusher. Sunshine Atoll Zone is on a completely different landmass from Eruption Conduit Zone (as the name of the former implies) and there's no evidence that ECZ is even anywhere near the ocean separating the two.

This is not a matter of laziness or lack of creativity; it is a matter of convention. None of the default SRB2 levels do that either. Could you see any of Techno Hill Zone from the start of Deep Sea Zone? Was there even a solitary tower from Castle Eggman Zone that was visible from the beginning of Arid Canyon Zone? And this didn't happen in any of the most renowned addons for SRB2, either; Mystic didn't make the end of Verdant Forest visible from Flame Rift, and of course, if he had tried to show Flame Rift from the beginning of Midnight Freeze, it wouldn't have made any sense at all.

Nor is this an idiosyncrasy of SRB2 itself. Sonic couldn't catch a glimpse of past levels in his SEGA Genesis days either. Can you see any of Labyrinth Zone from Star Light Zone? Or any of Emerald Hill Zone from Chemical Plant Zone?

Look, if you seriously think that this would look nicer, you're more than welcome to open up Tortured Planet in SRB2 Doom Builder and tinker with it a bit yourself. Maybe if you showed me your revised version, I'd actually like it more and use it, crediting you as coauthor. Or better yet, why not make an entirely new pack? We have a considerable paucity of well-made, elaborate addons for SRB2.

And please don't give me any of that "but i cant design levels!!!!!!" stuff. Do you think I was building Tortured Planet the moment I downloaded a copy of SRB2 Doom Builder? Of course not. There's a learning curve, and you have no one to blame but yourself if you are unwilling to bear the full force of the process.

My very first attempt to make a level ended in me being so frustrated I uninstalled the program in disgust. Later I tried again, and built a level that consisted of only one unbelievably cramped room, a tiny death pit, and an exit sector. My third attempt produced these abominable levels:

You'll need SRB2 1.09.4 to actually play them, but if you don't have 1.09.4 and are unable to obtain a copy, you can take my word for it that those levels were absolutely terrible. In fact, you could argue that they were subpar even for a new designer. It took time, patience, and a willingness to accept criticism (something I had to develop over the course of my experiences here) for me to get where I am now. But it is rewarding, and it is possibly the very best part of SRB2.

Whew. What a roundabout and meandering post. But I stand by every word of it.

On a different note, I have taken Inuyasha's advice and specified the start of the Single Player levels.
In the start of Blue Mountain there is a lava pit, Makeing it seem like you just came out of the Valcano from the last level. Just saying. :p
In the start of Blue Mountain there is a lava pit, Makeing it seem like you just came out of the Valcano from the last level. Just saying. :p
In that case it would make absolutely no sense at all for you to go from Red Volcano's first Act to "Blue Mountain's" second.
In that case it would make absolutely no sense at all for you to go from Red Volcano's first Act to "Blue Mountain's" second.
Blue Mountain is the second act of Red Volcano. Not that I am in favor of that. It totally breaks the standard zone naming conventions to have the second act of a zone be called something different.

If you ask me, Blue Mountain should either be renamed to RVZ2, or Red Volcano and Blue Mountain should be retooled as two full-length independent zones. Obviously, there are problems with both propositions, though. The first suggestion would make the zone name a bit of a misnomer, because even though snowy mountains can still be volcanic, it most emphatically is not red. The second suggestion would mean way more work for the developers, even if it had a great outcome.
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Blue Mountain is the second act of Red Volcano. Not that I am in favor of that. It totally breaks the standard zone naming conventions to have the second act of a zone be called something different.
I know that it's the second Act. I was referring to the fact that, in that special case, it wouldn't make sense at all if they didn't have the visual transition.
Does it really even matter in this pack? You really can't make a logical transition from an atoll to a place of lava, or some logical way to some mechanical, snowy mountain. It's not worth the effort and really can't be done cleanly.
I agree with Fawfulfan.

Also BMZ act 2 is an old stage in beta version. For now we don't know what we'll find in future versions of RVZ act 2.

And finally i have to say that there are a lot of things that could make this level pack better and also there are a lot of things that need to improve instead of discuss about "levels transition".
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