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The Ramp Project *update as of 7/5/06*

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that may look like a slope, but its actually a strange slope that has a strange linedef (thats what it is), play this stage in OGL
Because for some reason, loading OpenGL slowed down at some point. And this is based off a pretty old version. 1.09.2, likely.
You know, I like the invisible slopes in software mode, ALOT better than the inverted slopes in OpenGL. Rather nice though, the only thing it's missing is a way to climb on the slopes.
hey Antiporcipine, you should try to make this code so people who only know how to use doom builder (like me) have a chance at making slopes
Flame_the_hedgehog said:
hey Antiporcipine, you should try to make this code so people who only know how to use doom builder (like me) have a chance at making slopes

WOW! This is great! I made my own little slope test using Doom Builder and it works! Yeah. The problem is the textures. We have to find a way to fiz it because I'll need to use these slopes on my next levels. GOOD JOB!!!

Flame_the_hedgehog said:
hey Antiporcipine, you should try to make this code so people who only know how to use doom builder (like me) have a chance at making slopes

Actually, in the zip file Shuffle released, there was a readme file you could have read. It has instructions on how to make a slope. It works well in Doom Builder. Only problem, textures!
The problem is that they're invisible in software and look like crap in OGL.

On the subject of making slopes, here's something usefull I've found:
A 45 degree slope will go as high as it is long. Meaning if you make a sector 512 units long, and make it a 45 degree slope, the slope will reach a peak of 512 units. I've yet to find a formula to find all the other slope heights.
!!! said:
Flame_the_hedgehog said:
hey Antiporcipine, you should try to make this code so people who only know how to use doom builder (like me) have a chance at making slopes

Actually, in the zip file Shuffle released, there was a readme file you could have read. It has instructions on how to make a slope. It works well in Doom Builder. Only problem, textures!

yeah, i did read that, but it kinda didnt work out how i hoped it would...

i read the steps to make the slope, but it was messed up, the visuals came up as the opposite direction of where it's supposed to go

draykon said:
On the subject of making slopes, here's something usefull I've found:
A 45 degree slope will go as high as it is long. Meaning if you make a sector 512 units long, and make it a 45 degree slope, the slope will reach a peak of 512 units. I've yet to find a formula to find all the other slope heights.

:eek: i just tested what you said, and i just found out that the length of the sector depens on the height of the slope (OMG)
On the end height of the slopes, it's quite simple: The slope will continue rising at its angle until it reaches the opposite end of the sector from where it started. You need to do a bit of math (or trial and error) to make your slope stop where you want it to. I would have preferred an alternative setup in which you specify the start height and end height of the slope, and let the game calculate the slope from that, but beggars can't be choosers.

I'm having a bit of fun playing with this, though. I've got Block Fort updated with invisible inclines!
Tets said:
On the end height of the slopes, it's quite simple: The slope will continue rising at its angle until it reaches the opposite end of the sector from where it started. You need to do a bit of math (or trial and error) to make your slope stop where you want it to. I would have preferred an alternative setup in which you specify the start height and end height of the slope, and let the game calculate the slope from that, but beggars can't be choosers.

I'm having a bit of fun playing with this, though. I've got Block Fort updated with invisible inclines!

It's kind of fun setting the slope's angles with the slope thing.

I hate it how the texture isn't visible.

3. Are there slopes in the game DOOM?
KingofFlames said:
fox.dx2 said:
3. Are there slopes in the game DOOM?

It was probobly a ZDoom screenshot you saw...

I might try this out...as soon as it's rendered properly, then I'll try it out..

I never saw the game DOOM.

I was just asking about it.
Yeah. Doom never originally had slopes, due to the limitations of the software graphics rendering engine, which was the only one available back then. No one had hardware accelerated graphics when Doom was popular.
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