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The Ramp Project *update as of 7/5/06*

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Okay, here's the deal. I'm sorry it has taken so long for an update, and I'm sorry, but I can't give an update now either. Not too long after my last post, I decided that a continuous stream of updates was getting annoying, especially because I've been also following the (or whatever we're on now) update list. So instead, I decided to only post an update when I've done something substantial, and that something substantial hasn't come yet. I've also been very busy this summer, a trend that isn't going to change, and have been able to spend little time on the laptop. In other words, I didn't feel enough has changed from my last update to warrant another update. Therefore, I decided to let the thread die momentarily and either revive it or create a new one when the time came. Unfortunately, after your post, I would have liked to post an update, but now I've found a rather large problem - for some reason, all my work has been saving to a different EXE than I was running. For quite some time (possibly up to two weeks; I have no idea when it happened) I've been changing the code but not the program. For a while I was wondering why nothing was changing in the program, and this is the reason. The problem is, in that large space of time, the code became severely broken and now the levels will no longer load. As such, I cannot update until I have time to fix that problem. I am very sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a spare time project, and the spare time has been small lately. Thanks for understanding.
Alright then. I imagine that the code for rendering slopes from the front in software mode could involve skewing and stretching the texture.
Yeah, tried that, couldn't figure it out. Besides, SSN suggested that I do functionality first, appearance second. That means, Draykon, that you either can't see it or you have to actually use OGL for a change.

P.S. No, still no link, I haven't had any time to work on it today. Tomorrow should be the same. Again, sorry.
I don't think you realize this.... the code that I did for slopes should NOT be used as a frame of reference or a starting point to base anything off of. It's done incorrectly.
Actually, I do realize that. The only stuff that I originally used came from Shuffle, and very little of that is still intact. I've moved it, rearranged it, added to it, deleted from it, and so on. I just still credit everybody, saying that all I've done is mixed it. All I was saying was, in the "Software or OpenGL" topic, you said I shouldn't worry about rendering in software until they at least worked properly.
That reminds me I used to have an old sloped moving water thing.....But now that we don't got slopes.. I use REALLY REALLY small stairs, and well If we never get slopes. We can try and allow the stairs to be EVEN smaller. Sound like a good idea :wink: ?
nega-sonic said:
That reminds me I used to have an old sloped moving water thing.....But now that we don't got slopes.. I use REALLY REALLY small stairs, and well If we never get slopes. We can try and allow the stairs to be EVEN smaller. Sound like a good idea :wink: ?

Make alevel full with mini plateforms on and next to each other and then delete the ones you dont need... :? help! Would take too long...
Heh, stairs that small would create way too many polygons for drawing. It just isn't practical. :P
Bump rivaling the size of the XBOX and your mother.
Slope 7 is out! I take no credit for this one, I'm just posting this per Antiporcupine's request, as he's not gonna be around for a while. New in this one is.. everything. The slopes are visually broken, but they work very well, gameplay-wise. You can jump over 'em, run off 'em, and all that good stuff. Try it out.
http://home.comcast.net/~mlmars/Slope7.zip -- The main exe
http://home.comcast.net/~mlmars/S7-src.zip -- This is the source (You don't need it if you just want to play with the slopes).
There's a readme in slope7.zip on how to make different slopes at different angles, so read before going 'omg how do i make'.
Nice work...though I was wondering something....once this finally gets done and everything works properly, is this going to be added into SRB2?
That's something you'd need to take up with SSNTails.
Boy that would be neat, wouldn't it? :)
Very nice! When this is complete and working with Software, I might actually put this in my levels.

Explain this please?, this did the same thing after i reloaded the map
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