
A new sector type: Teleport with shield. It teleports, but only with a shield of the color it wants (determined by flag), and airship textures as well.
Linedef length of a water/sludge/etc control sector should increase/decrease the thickness of the liquid.
A sector effect that forces the character into falling frames when they enter the sector with running, walking, or standing frames. Could be applied to intangible, invisible FOFs to make Sonic not look stupid when walking off the edge of a cliff.

"Oh, I seem to be falling. Instead of doing anything to make the landing softer, I think I'll just see if my walking frames can make me float."

I think that the falling frames should be triggered when switching the polarity of gravity, too. Just my two cents.
If a server has a set of large wads that you don't have, it should tell you in SRB2 instead of a popup message that then closes the game. Also, maybe some kind of signal in the main menu, letting you know the game is modified, if you were in a server that loaded up wads.

And telling me to look if the Secret menu is viewable or not wouldn't matter, since you could have wads with a gamedata in them.
Although useless in some cases, a seperate spin thing. What I mean is, instead of spinning using THOKA0, why not just copy that, and use SPINA0? You could keep it the same, but for people who don't want them similar, they could change them.

Also, although probably not very possible/useful, a use for more than 8 frames on some sort of parameter added in the wad. (16 - 32)
sign index for skins like box index.

void A_SignPlayer(mobj_t *actor)
	if (!actor->target)

	if (!actor->target->player)

	actor->state->nextstate = actor->info->seestate+actor->target->player->signindex;
We need what skulltag (and every other game.. EVER) has. It automatically searches a server online for wads added into the game and downloads them. How are we supposed to play wads the way things are now? If you turn off autodownloading, anybody that joins gets immediately KICKED out of the game. If you turn autodownloading ON, then you have extremely massive lag any time anybody joins. If it were to redirect you to an online server with tons of wads uploaded, we could get around this and actually, y'know, PLAY the wads.
Kayasakado, analog works depending on what your camera's position is, so it wouldn't work at all. The game would ALSO have to send the position of your camera each tic, which would make SRB2 netplay even MORE unnaturally slow.
A type of Sector effect that works like a Boss. Works on FoFs too. It would probably take a hellava lot of Control Sectors so you could get it working properly though.
A nouses variable for S_SKINs, it would work as a cap for multiability, 1 being 1 use (like multiability wasn't on) 2 for 2 uses (would allow for a triple jump if used with double jump) etc.
Use A_FindTarget, then A_Chase. A_FindTarget can set anything as the target, unlike A_Look. (Unless A_look can set anything. I'll check later.)
A linedef to be able to move vertices, and hence allowing horizontally moving FOFs. You shouldn't add any stupid checkings for cases where linedefs crosses sectors as that's too hard - the WADer must make sure this doesn't happen, and there must be a warning in the documentation about it.

Also, Sonic CD mode must be possible to be set in the level header. Just in case the WADer wants...

And another mode, S3K mode. This just alters Sonic's double jump. Blue, yellow and red shields are the same as the water, electricy and fire shields from S3K. White and black shield effects can remain the same. This also must be set from the level header. When it's combined with Adventure mode, the only features left from the Adventure mode is the analog control and all the stuff that doesn't affect the way you control Sonic.
A WADLIST <SERVER NAME/IP> command that brings up a list of added wads in a game into the console. Also, possibly MD5SUM of the wads, too.

We need more scenery. Cacti, animals, city things (Stop lights, street signs, fire hydrants, etc), animals, (especially fish), seaweed, palm trees, rocks, crystals for underground-themed levels (Hang from ceiling/wall, and come up from floor), and more flowers.

Also, NiGHTS needs to be more authentic. The blue chips need in, and the emblems should be stars. And the Ideya capture should make appropriate explosion sound, as well as produce an Ideya. Also, what would be nice is a 'placement point' for different Ideya when you hit the drone after collecting one. Pretty much, every sprite should be overhauled for authentic NiGHTS sprites. The physics need to be a bit smoother, and acceleration needs to be faster. And, finally, a Reala style boss. Would own so much.
The ability to constrain objects and enemies to a NiGHTS axis. I've probably suggested this before, but it's pretty essential, so
We need a mode where there is a yellow flag in the center of a map, and the players steal that one instead of each other's.

We also need one where you have to take the orange flag and keep it the longest in the time limit.
A separate thing number for custom characters would be nice. You could make your own characters much more interesting without affecting everyone. Also, it could solve the problems of those who want more/less frames in a certain action. As a bad thing, it could mess up if you combined socs
What about being able to make it so your custom character can have coronas and what colour it is
coronas = 1
coronascolor = (insert colour here)

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