
Rolling = 2 (The character can break walls by walking like knux, and can duck when running to get under rolling passages. If they stop running, they un-duck and possobly die. Ducking would just squash the running sptites and reduce character size, activayed by pressing roll on ground.)
Make it so that when your crosshair is over a player in Multiplayer, it shows the name of that player. That could also let you use 3rd person mode and not suck (as much), because you know when you're aiming the right way. Also, maybe have it work for Single Player Mode when over an enemy.
Make it possible to change map by the map's LEVELNAME. Like...
Or even just the first word in LEVELNAME.

Without removing the MAP MAP01 functionality, of course.
Sector Types 983 & 984 only work in water-based FOFs. I would expect this, but it also makes for some level of redundancy. If I wanted to make solid ground where the Liquid Shield would protect you from damage, I'd have to go through setting up the appropriate FOF for something that I should be able to do normally.

SSN Edit: Already fixed with new sector type system
Make Linedef Executors that activate at a certain speed.

Make conveyer belts where you control the moving:
While you're on the floor, you can't move, but the animations show, like running and what-not.
The conveyer Belt moves in the opposite direction you're running/spinning.
EDIT: If this reminds you of a treadmill, then you're right!

Like there's an MF_FIRE thing flag, there should be MF_SLIME and MF_SHOCK.

Have MF_LIGHTWEIGHT and MF_HEAVYWEIGHT thing flags. I haven't thought of many uses, but here's the one I have thought of:

FOF Type: Weak.
Heavyweight things treat this as an intangible FOF.
Lightweight things treat this as an Intangible-From-Below FOF.
Normal Things treat this as an Intangible-From-Below FOF, with the execption that they fall through it if they jump on from a certain distance up.
The certain distance up is determined by the Control Linedef's length.
Individual character stats that previously could be set, but not individualy for characters.

Mass = # This may act like "noclip on" modifying your rising and falling speed, or like "gravity" which also affects jump height.

Radius = # & Height = # Some characters are different sizes than Sonic, and should be able to change size without changind Sonic's size.

Make Tails smaller than Sonic. See above.^

Springspin = 1 Makes characters both spinning and hurtful when springing. Could be usefull for a bounce braclet ability.

Speciallandingspawn = # Spawns an item when you land after using an ability. Could be usefull for a bounce braclet ability.
We need a platform level, a beach level, and a final level if you get the Emeralds.

If the player gets all the Emeralds in 1-P without level select or cheating, getting more tokens should take them to the Super Emerald Special Stages.
A linedef executor that activates if you haven't cheated.

Change the way A_BubbleCheck works, so that Var1 is state to go to if underwater, and Var2 is state to go to if above water.

MF_FLOAT thing flag. Makes the object float on water, in the same way as bobbing FOFs.
Textures that display CTF or other team game scores.
BLUSCOR1 and REDSCOR1 would be a colored number (Based on the team's color) on a white back.
BLUSCOR2 and REDSCOR2 would be a colored number on a black back.
And BLUSCOR3 and REDSCOR3 would be a colored number on a transparent back. So, you could plant it in front of some other texture, or something like that.
In non-team games, they would just be blank, or summat.

This has no real practical use, other than it being neat.
There should be some way to have floor textures drawn going upwards at predetermined heights, without using massive amounts of FOFs. This would be incredibly useful for sectors that use transparent ice block-styled textures for walls, and would look odd without floors using the same texture (Though, obviously a floor, not a patch)
Add some variables to the console, like Var1, Var2, and so on. Then add a stow command, like this: "Var1 stow Var2" It would be very useful for scripting. Also, add stuff like SectorFlr as a variable. You put the sector number after SectorFlr, to tell it which sector it refers to. Also useful for scripting.

If a file is too large to download, instead have it ask "This file is a large size ([insertfile size here]). Would you still like to download it?

On that note, the Wad Center: It's accessed from the Main Menu, and then there are three choices: Upload, Download, and Rate.
In upload, you select a title, a category, (Level, Charector, SOC, Mod, or Other) an author, a file name, a description, and the amount of days for the file to stay in the Wad Center.
In download, you select a category, and a viewing choice. (for example, alphabetical, date, etc.) Then you see the titles of the uploaded WADs, and you select one. That takes you to the summary screen, which has the title, file name, author, file size, description, category, and rating. Also, I'm not sure if this is possible, but if you can, have it show the names of the lumps.
In rate, you go through the same steps as download, but at the end, instead of choosing whether to download or not, you choose the rating.

If an added WAD doesn't have any Maps or Socs in it, then dont set modifiedgame to true. If it doesn't have Maps, but it has a SOC, then check the stuff in the SOC, to see if it should modifiy the game.

Have a console command called "Reset". It sets all variables to their default. (well not all, just the ones edited in the console) Also, if no WADs are added, set modifiedgame to false.
Make a new Thing just for an alternate Egg Slimer that goes into bounce mode initially (Handy for people who don't know how to use axis points) and has a second attack (Two hits or less) that fires a slime bomb at you while he floats around without descendng or ascending. Alternatively, just make it so the Egg Slimer goes into bounce mode when there is no axis point.
Also, it should follow NiGHTS tracks to allow for more interesting patterns. Without teleporting, that is.
Allow the use of chaos spawns for match and CTF. Seriously, it would be a good idea to have enemies roaming around netgames.
Have the ability to have different sprites for Fireing Rings
like this
launchsprite = 1 or
firesprite = 1
for custom characters
All these suggestions are for NiGHTS mode, with the making of a boss level in mind. How about:

- Allowing a 1-axis level. (The game seem to have problems with this)

- Allowing the player to be killed when they aren't Super Sonic. (Currently they are allowed to become super again even though they hit a sector marked as a death pit and kill the boss with no consequences)

- The Ideya Capture is not needed in a level. (An annoyance to need to put it in a level that has no need for it)

- The boss follows the axis as a guide for his movement path. (So Eggman isn't free to move out the player's path, allowing him to become hard/impossible to defeat)
A'right, so just a few things with SA mode:

First, when you roll off a cliff, allow the char's mid-air ability.

Second, after being hurt for about 3 secs (or one second longer than it would take to fall past the height you got hit at), you should be able to jump.

Also, spinning should hurt other players. Maybe not in coop, but....

While yes, these are more like SA2, it is still dreamcast stuff.
A'right, so while, yes, apparently there will be a linedef 17-esque linedef which will change gravity, it only does it for you. Perhaps a flag to check that would make the universal gravity flip. Imitating Crazy Gadget, of course. That said, another flag to check to not affect certain mobj types such as enemies or ringboxes.

And while we're here, an FOF that is affected by gravity. While it would be nice to have the FOF automatically stop when it hits the floor, we can always set the limits with adjacent sectors if that doesn't work.

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