Stuff to put in 1.09

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I know. That can only be done out-game...this would be done in-game..
You'd be able to create your own music using sound-effects ingame.
Tracker music is the music for you, Shadowstar. I still can't believe that it's not supported in 1.09 yet.

How it works, is it takes all these different sounds and plays them at different frequencys at different times in the file.
At AJ's request, I'm bringing up the idea of checking for the death of specific Things before executing lindef executors or whatnot. Like, being forced to kill all the Crawlas in a room before you can move on.

Not to be abused a la Heroes, of course.
I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, and if it was, sorry. but how about the ability to name linedefs/sectors/sidedefs/things/ect.?
Instead of a number, you could name a sector something like Button710 and Door711.
'Cus, instead of trying to find out and memorize what number sector that stupid sidedefs supposed to be at, you could just set it to the easily memorable name of said sector, such as "ThokBarrier1", "Stair3Step12", "Water5Target", "Water5Control", "Steve", ect.

Once again, sorry if this was mentioned before.
AFAIK, it wasn't. Mostly because that'd be a feature of the editor and not the game, and AJ has no control over the editors. That's up to... like, CodeImp. Or somebody.
SRB2-Playah said:
I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, and if it was, sorry. but how about the ability to name linedefs/sectors/sidedefs/things/ect.?
Instead of a number, you could name a sector something like Button710 and Door711.
'Cus, instead of trying to find out and memorize what number sector that stupid sidedefs supposed to be at, you could just set it to the easily memorable name of said sector, such as "ThokBarrier1", "Stair3Step12", "Water5Target", "Water5Control", "Steve", ect.

Once again, sorry if this was mentioned before.
That's not possible without changing the level format, unless I'm totally off my rocker.

Why do you need to know the number of the sector, anyways? The only time I need to know the number is if I screw up a sector and have to manually set the front and back sectors for a linedef. In that situation, having names wouldn't help at all anyways. Finding the control sectors for a sector is pretty easy thanks to the fact that WadAuthor makes the control linedefs light up when you mouse over the sector, and I'd assume DoomBuilder has a similar feature.

I just don't know why you'd need to know the sector or linedef numbers at all.
Mystic said:
I'd assume DoomBuilder has a similar feature.
Lindefs with special features are green; if they are tagged to a sector, hovering over the lindef makes the lindefs of the affected sector turn yellow. Likewise, if in sector mode, hovering over a tagged sector shows what lindef(s) affect(s) it.

So in other words, yes, pretty much the same thing.
Tails ebil, ebil flying. If her flying speed was increased, it could be a little easier to control. Or maybe some sort of trigger that functions when Tails turns? I dunno, last time I programmed, I couldn't even make Sonic double jump.

An improved SA mode! C'mon. I want Knux Punch, Tails' Tails Spin, upgrades, SA-Style Tails Flying, Rock effects when Knux climbs... oh, and E-102, she rocks.

An improved Knux char. Either looking good, or at least complete... I mean, why not take the old one, mess around with the color settings, and then make it so it actually changes color? I mean, that works, right? Won't it stop a little of the complaining?

Golf and Megaman modes taken out. >>. Golf is sorta silly, and Megaman mode is just there... it annoys me to see it there... in front of me... glaring... saying 'I am worthless'. Haha to you Megaman mode, haha to you...

BLCKWALL, WHITEWAL, BLACKFLR and WHITEFLR. We have BLUWALL and REDFLR, why not black and white? In fact, why not orange, purple, indigo, violet, cyan, light blue, brown, dark yellow, dark red, dark blue, dark green and grey?... And dark grey...

More 1P levels! They aren't THAT hard to make. Just a bit time consuming. I mean, DSZ has plenty of textures. Act 1 shoulda been out in 1.08... At the rate it's going, SRB2 is going to have five levels, max, by the time it reaches 1.1.

Now it's time to feed my sleep gremlin. Goodnight sun, goodnight moon, goodnight boxing bag, goodnight duvet, goodnight television, goodnight books, goodnight videos, goodnight dvds, goodnight vcds, goodnight computer, goodnight video recorder, goodnight dvd recorder, goodnight eBay, goodnight... laptop.

(No animals were hurt in the making of this. But a sleep-deprived lad got a bruise on his head by headbutting a wall, repeatedly... I think he lives in Mexico...)
Cy-Chan said:
Tails ebil, ebil flying. If her flying speed was increased, it could be a little easier to control. Or maybe some sort of trigger that functions when Tails turns? I dunno, last time I programmed, I couldn't even make Sonic double jump.
Tails' flight has been improved a tad for easier control. Don't expect to strafe around like a fighter jet or anything, though.

Cy-Chan said:
An improved SA mode! C'mon. I want Knux Punch, Tails' Tails Spin, upgrades, SA-Style Tails Flying, Rock effects when Knux climbs... oh, and E-102, she rocks.
No thanks. This is SRB2, not SA. SA mode is just a little extra created to prove that we CAN do a homing attack, we just don't. If you want a REAL SA clone, you can make one yourself.

Cy-Chan said:
An improved Knux char. Either looking good, or at least complete... I mean, why not take the old one, mess around with the color settings, and then make it so it actually changes color? I mean, that works, right? Won't it stop a little of the complaining?
I have to agree there.

Cy-Chan said:
Golf and Megaman modes taken out. >>. Golf is sorta silly, and Megaman mode is just there... it annoys me to see it there... in front of me... glaring... saying 'I am worthless'. Haha to you Megaman mode, haha to you...
Amen to that. Of course, I'd like to rip Tag and Chaos mode out as well, so I really am not the person in charge of that.

Cy-Chan said:
BLCKWALL, WHITEWAL, BLACKFLR and WHITEFLR. We have BLUWALL and REDFLR, why not black and white? In fact, why not orange, purple, indigo, violet, cyan, light blue, brown, dark yellow, dark red, dark blue, dark green and grey?... And dark grey...
There is already a black floor flat, "PIT", named for obvious reasons. Creating textures of a basic color is rather easy, however, so try it yourself. Floor textures are easy enough that even I can do it.

Cy-Chan said:
More 1P levels! They aren't THAT hard to make. Just a bit time consuming. I mean, DSZ has plenty of textures. Act 1 shoulda been out in 1.08... At the rate it's going, SRB2 is going to have five levels, max, by the time it reaches 1.1.
DSZ's texture set is nowhere near done. However, Mystic Realm 4 will come out soon after 1.09's release. Mystic Realm 4 already has 7 full zones, a few secret acts, and plenty of secrets. There are over 20 stages already completed for it, and work is still being done. You will not have a shortage of new single player content after 1.09 comes out.
Mystic said:
Tails' flight has been improved a tad for easier control. Don't expect to strafe around like a fighter jet or anything, though.

I thought of a good feature for his flying that I'm going to implement if I remember, though.
Don't take out Golf, it's rather fun and can make for some really creative level designs. It almost reminds me of Monkey Gold in SMB :roll:

Also, some people (Like me) love Tag, so for the love og God, PLEASE leave that in. However, I'm sure there are quite a few who hate Chaos.

Everybody who agrees, say "Aye!"

*Becomes so quiet the crickets stop chirping and stare at me*
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