Srb2 Challenges

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Get 1.08 and play Chaos with enemy respawn set to 1 and time limit to 5 minutes. Then have 1500000 points at the end of the round.

Actually sounds pretty easy to me...
In Single Player mode as Sonic, bop THZ1's whirlwind monitor without using cheats.

In Single Player mode as Sonic, bop THZ2's invincibility monitor without using cheats or a liquid shield.
RedEchidna said:
Get 1.08 and play Chaos with enemy respawn set to 1 and time limit to 5 minutes. Then have 1500000 points at the end of the round.

Actually sounds pretty easy to me...

You owe me a new hard drive, there's a 2gb avi file sitting in my recording folder now :<
Vash said:
Spazzo said:
....SSN sucks in SRB2, guys. No joke.
Yes, he actually is. I've actually beaten him once, which I find quite sad that I was able to do so.
XD yeah. Beating FuriousFox apparently isn't very special either:


That's gotta be the TENTH time I've flashed this image around. >_>
As I said, the time ones are pretty boring, come on, give us something more interesting to do! Be creative! I'm not doing "complete level x without dying" or "beat boss y in 5 seconds" or whatever, creativity is the key.

Also, 8 seconds on Adventure Example as tails, sadly I didn't record it :<
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