Sonic Unleashed

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Well, I picked SU for Wii up yesterday, and my reaction to it is...fair. While the daytime levels are packed with so much win, the nighttime levels are a complete bore-fest, and they take up 60% of gameplay. Currently, I'm stuck on the first level of Eggmanland because it's so amazingly hard compared to all the other daytime stages.
I been thanking about trying the 360 version (im playing the demo right now) and wow. Its fast and pretty cool.
Wii Special Stages are probably the best versions of that particular level. Chun-Nan's dragon doesn't pop up until you unlock a particular stage. And trust me, it's worth the work.
Chisuun said:
Well, I picked SU for Wii up yesterday, and my reaction to it is...fair. While the daytime levels are packed with so much win, the nighttime levels are a complete bore-fest, and they take up 60% of gameplay. Currently, I'm stuck on the first level of Eggmanland because it's so amazingly hard compared to all the other daytime stages.

Am I the only one that really liked the Werehog portions of each level? Daytime was a timeattack-fest that was loads of fun, but the werehog was actually where the meat of the game lied. There were some of the best platforming situations that have been in a Sonic game since he went 3d, and many of them play almost exactly like SA or SRB2 except with that modified battle system.

As for complaints as to having to inch from corridor to corridor instead of running, I think the only levels I did not spend in an infinite dash was Adabat (which had a very narrow playing area in most stages) and the one Shamar stage. The werehog run was almost more rewarding than the normal Sonic run just in the way it handled.

I loved the final boss, the music for the super sonic segment was indeed the most awesome final boss music I've heard in a Sonic game. I've acquired all S's (even on Eggmanland... take that! =P) on all daytime stages. I'm now hunting for that stinkin' 69th moon medal. I suppose the key to more secret missions is hiding in a werehog stage... I've emptied most of them by now though.

As for the secret levels, I felt very rewarded by Adabat's secret level despite it's brevity, only because I felt a liiiittle bit of backlash for core of the level taking part on the docks.

I only wish more of the others were comparable in length and difficulty to EggmanLand. That was the only level that not only stretched beyond Sonic Rush standards, but surpassed Sonic and the Secret Rings standards.
JEV3 said:
Chisuun said:
Well, I picked SU for Wii up yesterday, and my reaction to it is...fair. While the daytime levels are packed with so much win, the nighttime levels are a complete bore-fest, and they take up 60% of gameplay. Currently, I'm stuck on the first level of Eggmanland because it's so amazingly hard compared to all the other daytime stages.

Am I the only one that really liked the Werehog portions of each level? Daytime was a timeattack-fest that was loads of fun, but the werehog was actually where the meat of the game lied. There were some of the best platforming situations that have been in a Sonic game since he went 3d, and many of them play almost exactly like SA or SRB2 except with that modified battle system.

As for complaints as to having to inch from corridor to corridor instead of running, I think the only levels I did not spend in an infinite dash was Adabat (which had a very narrow playing area in most stages) and the one Shamar stage. The werehog run was almost more rewarding than the normal Sonic run just in the way it handled.

I loved the final boss, the music for the super sonic segment was indeed the most awesome final boss music I've heard in a Sonic game. I've acquired all S's (even on Eggmanland... take that! =P) on all daytime stages. I'm now hunting for that stinkin' 69th moon medal. I suppose the key to more secret missions is hiding in a werehog stage... I've emptied most of them by now though.

As for the secret levels, I felt very rewarded by Adabat's secret level despite it's brevity, only because I felt a liiiittle bit of backlash for core of the level taking part on the docks.

I only wish more of the others were comparable in length and difficulty to EggmanLand. That was the only level that not only stretched beyond Sonic Rush standards, but surpassed Sonic and the Secret Rings standards.
Agreed. One hundred percent.
Which makes me wonder why both SAs are still said to be the best 3D Sonics of all time. This game is obviously the best since Sonic Adventure 2 (in my opinion was better than the first except for the missing HUB worlds, but had fantastic multiplayer)... Why does it get such harsh treatment from the reviewers?

Which reminds me... If they make a sequel to this, I say that they should include multiplayer. Hey. Black Knight's getting multiplayer sword combat (I think) why can't there be multiplayer in Unleashed 2? (Or Unleashed for that matter.... They could've had Knuckles go up against Werehog in multiplayer battles, and Shadow in the race mode.)
Its proved for S&TBK to have sword battles BTW.

Multi-player was a missing key for this.
They could've scored extra points by that. D:
Autosaver said:
Its proved for S&TBK to have sword battles BTW.

Multi-player was a missing key for this.
They could've scored extra points by that. D:
Exactly. But you can't deny that this was a great game.
Well, I got to this game's Final Boss (Wii)...and it just blows. I mean, it sucks so very hard. Super Sonic controls oh so incredibly clunky and the method of taking down your opponent is just unfair. Also, your opponent has a move that I have yet to figure out how to dodge. Talk about crappy bosses.
You have to watch before he strikes to dodge it, and at least is isn't a cakewalk like every single other Sonic game out there, with the exception of very few other games.
@Chisuun: If you're talking about the attack where he slashes with all his arms, you go in the midle of the screen, a bit below the head.
The only part I found crappy about the final boss is that if I messed up one portion, I'd have to start from the beginning. And it took me a few tried just to get the giant golem part down. And the boss doesn't spawm that move though. If you take too long to attack he uses that. And I think you need to just time a dash correctly to dodge it.

And JEV3, I agree about the Werehog. I liked it. I only found the places where he must walk on small ledges frustrating. I would often find myself just trying to nudge myself up a little more, but because of it, I would double tap occasionally, finding myself falling of the edge. But all in all, I thought the Werehog wasn't too bad. Day stages frustrated me a little more accually, because at some points, I felt like I wasn't even doing anything for half the level.
Chisuun said:
Well, I got to this game's Final Boss (Wii)...and it just blows. I mean, it sucks so very hard. Super Sonic controls oh so incredibly clunky and the method of taking down your opponent is just unfair. Also, your opponent has a move that I have yet to figure out how to dodge. Talk about crappy bosses.
Difficulty is not what makes a crappy boss, Chisuun.
Strange. I didn't have a problem with clunky controls...
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