Wizard Model Edit (player.zip) OpenGL

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Guys, maybe you should slow down on the skin production. Sure, it's nice that you're so attached to this new thing, but I think you're just flooding the MB now. All these skins are for Sonic, turning him any variety of colours, but there are just too many out there. Within about two days, you've made too many skins to count. This is a serious problem. If you flood the marketplace with new products, you make it so that nobody can pick which one to use. And if you make it so that you can only use one at a time, this creates a choke point. Instead of making new skins for just one model, why not make new models altogether? Sky Ninja has (very helpfully) pointed you to a competent .MD2 editor, and you have everything you need. Stop with the skins and move on, please.


Chaos Emeralds made from scratch by me. They're simple and Sonic Adventure-styled, but look sort of nice ingame. Ring skins made by Neo.
That's what I said. I'm actually editing the Sonic model into paws. (Even though it's ugly.)

Link to your models please?
I just nopticed that Sky Ninja also mentioned "Misfit Model Editor." I wonder if that's easier to use than Quake. >.>
I was just working on a Shadow Model. >.>
EDIT: I don't see any changes in this model, senku.
You're probably only changing the standing. And if you changed the name of it then you have to go into md2.dat and change the word player to whatever you named it.
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