Super Smash Bros Brawl (Label your Spoilers!)

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Kotakites are discussing the legality of the picture right now, which I am attempting to follow as best as I can. Most people are starting to believe that it's fake, due to the inconsistency with player art - we'll just have to wait and see if Kotaku makes some official statement about the screen.
uhh, I'm guessing that you've never played F-Zero, then, because that certainly isn't Batman.

EDIT: Most of the comments I've seen on Kotaku claim that the image is fake. Sorry if I get anybody riled up over it or anything.
Young Link, Mewtwo, the girl with the bushy gray hair all look out of place. Krystal also looks slightly out of place too.

Nevertheless I still wouldn't mind seeing Luigi, Bowser Jr, and K Rool on the character roster as unlockable.

BTW, is that water guy Chaos Zero?

This image has alot of ripped artwork in it. Of all of the new characters there, all except Marth, Lucario Ness and Jigglypuff are ripped from in game screens or official aartwork for the game.
Safe to say, it's a very very very very very very VERY very VERY VERY very VERY VERY VERY good chance this is fake. A good number of the characters there probably arn't known enough to get in brawl; and, to top that off, the video simply talks about characters from the brawl site, using movies, pictures, and various quotes/comments we've already seen and heard.

I honestly question people's oppinions on these fake character sets; not the viewers who see them, but the lifeless dorks who put them together:

- If you're going to make a fake roster, use pictures people have never seen before, rather than pictures possibly everyone has seen; this also applies for other false character rosters.

- The characters they pick: who the hell wants to play as Krystal, What possible moveset could Midna - a SUPPORT character from a SINGLE GAME have, an who's going to know about some of the characters there? Unless you can tell who a character is from 1st glance in a blurry picture like this, they have no right to be in brawl. Ashley? Sure, she has a music piece with her name in it, but it means nothing.

- Consistancy and grouping: The least one could have done is organize these in an apropriate order; Heros first, then enemies.

- Numbering: What kind of number is 54 as a final sum of characters? It's a possibility, sure, but the recent games used reletivly round numbers; 12 and 25. I'd suppose a total of 50, 55, 60, 64, 65, etc. characters; something that is either a multiple of 5, 10, or an in-place number. (64 actually seems most plausable. Lets hope... >> <<)

- Randomize: Oh! I gots an ideer! Letz remove dat thar white RANDOM button! Nobody will ever notice! :F

Yeah... I somehow felt compelled to mindlessly rant on about stupidity in character choices. Shadow has a better chance in brawl than Midna, really. And what the HECK are those things on either side of Samus? Below Ike? Between Ike and Marth?
Someone needs to hand out BRAINS to the people thinking up these combinations...
ZTaimat said:
who the hell wants to play as Krystal
Mii, if only to piss off all the rabbid Fara fanboys who hate her. Besides, her staff could make for some nifty moves.
Then again, this is coming from the guy who'd like Sabre as an assist trophy. But nonetheless, it's an unreleased game with stuff to attract Sonic fanboys, of course there's gonna be a flood of hoaxes.
I've seen a lot of those fake character select screens. I don't believe anything that talks about smash bros unless its on the official site.
That character select Photoshop is old as all get out; I saw it at least 4 months ago. And let's not get into all the official 2-D art from Twilight Princess/F-Zero GX/Fire Emblem DS/EarthBound/Wario Ware because the creator was too lazy to Shop up some realistic looking Brawl-ish models.
YAY, NESS!!! I thought Nintendo took him out of the Super Smash Bros. series after Lucas came along! In case you're wondering, I was pretty good with Ness in Super Smash Brothers (I never played Super Smash Brothers Melee).
Its already been posted a few pages back. Seeing as I am not interested in Lucas's character whatsoever, (gameplay may change things) I'm not altogether excited of another character in there just like him. Lucario looks cool but I have no idea who he is, and as for Jigglypuff, about all I know about her is the annoying lullaby power.
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