Super Smash Bros Brawl (Label your Spoilers!)

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anacreon said:
Sonic has been confirmed.

He's crazier than fox if you watch the video.

All his moves come from Sonic battle for the gba pretty much.

From the looks of it he is the next gen one but his theme is Live and Learn.

Live and Learn fits pretty good with Sonic; I would've gone with a rock version of Sonic Boom, Gotta Go Fast (Sonic X's Title theme), Just call me Sonic, or His World.
If I remeber correctly there are going to be 3 third party people.

So we have Snake and Sonic. So now the question is who is the 3rd person?

Speaking of holidays my bday is going to be here soon so i need to figure out what I want.
I was thinking of many other characters that would be for that one spot. It may be Megaman, maybe a Namco character. There's several that others want to be in, so be patient on this.
しゃべる! DSお料理ナビ】

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If you go to the Jap page you will find a song under kirby's pictures? Did anyone knew?
Best SSBB official site update ever:

Challenger Approaching

Yeah, I'm definately playing as Sonic from now on. His attacks don't look super powerful, but man is he fast! I always played as Young Link because he was small and fast, but Sonic beats that by a long shot!

I'm just dreading all of the OMGOMG SSBBSONIC.WAD topics that I expect to see in the releases section in January...
sasuketo uzuchihamaki said:
What? Tails isn't from nintendo, and I'm pretty sure they aren't making any more 3rd party chars past Snake and Sonic.

They already added sonic, so there'll probably be a lot of requests for him, too; you never know
Hmmm.... Sonic could break my Fox/Falco addiction...

I wonder when they are going to update with something that involves Captain Falcon..... seriously.
Arrow said:
The Brawl icons so far have been numbered in alphabetical order by franchise name though, so whatever character this will be, they have to come from a series that goes between "Metal Gear" and "Sonic the Hedgehog". So no Castlevania, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, or Kingdom Hearts, unfortunately.

EDIT: Forgot! It's alphabetical based on Japanese franchise names translated into English. Rockman comes between Myth of Light (Kid Icarus, #18) and Sonic (#20), so he's still a possibility. So is Pac-man and any character from Pikmin or Punch Out, for that matter.

Rockman, Pacman, or Pikmin? Damn. The odds are certainly with us. Captain Olimar doesn't sound too likely, as his special moves would likely consist of throwing pikmin; Pacman wouldn't sound bad, as there are plenty of moves that Brawl could port over from the Pacman World series; Megaman sounds like a likely adversary as well. All Nintendo would need is Namco/Capcom's approval, and they already got Sega's. :p
Well, this pretty much renders Mario & Sonic at the Olympics defunct.

I'm not too excited about Sonic being in it, but I definitely would like to see some Big cameos... or more preferably, a playable appearance.
So people are now gonna ask for ANOTHER fox to be in there? Isn't Pikmin Nintendo though? (it was for gamecube I thought)

*if its between M and S, then no tails...* <_<

I would be pretty sure it would be Pacman, because then they would have it all the way from Atari, through the Genesis, and into recent games...

Is Sonic gonna have his own stage? If so I'd hope it is one of those factory stages, underwater stages, or casino stages... and probably could predict it being GHZ...
On the video that introduces Sonic, you can see Mario with the FLUDD. It's been announced already, but you can see it in action for a split second. Once they finish showing Sonic at the edge of the platform, you'll see Mario somewhere in the middle, landing, and shooting water.

Yeah, Sonic's in. Hooray. The reason I'm happy now is because I won't ever have to see a crappy Photoshoped picture or a video mix in youtube.
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