Super Smash Bros Brawl (Label your Spoilers!)

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It probaly would be Sora from KH just saying..

If Sora gets in Brawl, I WILL kill someone. He is a nuisance and a dork, and I do NOT want him polluting this game. Pokémon Trainer was bad enough. Let's not make this even stupider.
I think its funny that half of you are freaking out and going into spasms of joy when you guys don't even have a Wii.

I love my Wii (don't read that pervertedly) and Super Smash Bros. Brawl will totally blow all those Halo 3 dudes at my school out of the water.

And if you are still a "PS3's are better than Wii's" person, then there is no hope for you... crawl in a hole and die (just kidding).
Sora can't be in Brawl. "Kingdom Hearts" is too far back in the alphabet to fit in past "Myth of Light".
NOOO!!! The game is delayed until February 10th. For people lazy to go to here.

Oct. 12 Fri. 2007
New Launch for E and All:

Today I have some good news and some bad news. Let's get the bad part out of the way first, shall we?

As many of you may have already heard, we have had to delay the launch of Super Smash Bros. Brawl by just a little bit—it will now be launching on February 10th in the Americas. I know that many of you will be disappointed by this news, but please understand that the extra development time will enable us to make the game the best it can be. It is my earnest hope that you will all be enjoying this game for many years, and we are all working very hard toward that goal.

Phew. Now for some good news to tide you over.

The forthcoming E for All event will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center beginning October 18.

And it appears that this event will display the first ever public playable version of Super Smash Bros. Brawl! I am planning on having people play the game—but with limited character selection.

The problem is Sonic. What to do... I suppose if we’re going to all this trouble, perhaps we should make him playable.

Oh, yes. And for those of you who come to play, please remember—you tap the Control Stick to do Smash attacks.

Have fun!
Sora would be a bad idea, mainly because his magic takes forever to charge, and he gets owned without Donald and Goofy 95% of the time.
Ashura The Hedgehog said:
NOOO!!! The game is delayed until February 10th. For people lazy to go to here.

Oct. 12 Fri. 2007
New Launch for E and All:

Today I have some good news and some bad news. Let's get the bad part out of the way first, shall we?

As many of you may have already heard, we have had to delay the launch of Super Smash Bros. Brawl by just a little bit—it will now be launching on February 10th in the Americas. I know that many of you will be disappointed by this news, but please understand that the extra development time will enable us to make the game the best it can be. It is my earnest hope that you will all be enjoying this game for many years, and we are all working very hard toward that goal.

Phew. Now for some good news to tide you over.

The forthcoming E for All event will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center beginning October 18.

And it appears that this event will display the first ever public playable version of Super Smash Bros. Brawl! I am planning on having people play the game—but with limited character selection.

The problem is Sonic. What to do... I suppose if we’re going to all this trouble, perhaps we should make him playable.

Oh, yes. And for those of you who come to play, please remember—you tap the Control Stick to do Smash attacks.

Have fun!
well this gives me time to get Bleacn shatterd blade... so yay im getting two games! by the way im typing on the Wii. Well we all know that im going to the convention , feel bad for all ya lazy fans out there.
Ashura The Hedgehog said:
As many of you may have already heard, we have had to delay the launch of Super Smash Bros. Brawl by just a little bit—it will now be launching on February 10th in the Americas. I know that many of you will be disappointed by this news, but please understand that the extra development time will enable us to make the game the best it can be. It is my earnest hope that you will all be enjoying this game for many years, and we are all working very hard toward that goal.
That ruins my idea of getting it for Christmas. Now I'll actually have to buy it.
Nintendo has once again, forced me to buy a Wii. But my mom won't let me. :(

Sora would fail anyways. His magic takes about 5 seconds, enough time to kill you. Plus, how would he get over to the competion? Through his spaceship that only goes to area's he's allowed?
supersonic45 said:
Sora would fail anyways. His magic takes about 5 seconds, enough time to kill you. Plus, how would he get over to the competion? Through his spaceship that only goes to area's he's allowed?

You're asking how a random character would get to a battlefield a dozen other random characters shouldn't exist in? Don't think on it too hard; Sakurai probably isn't either.
I bet we've all seen videos of it.

I recall some point, before Sonic was unveiled, I said somewhere that if Sonic was in Brawl, he'd go super and act about like Pikachu's Final Smash.
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