Stuff to put in 1.09

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Mystic said:
Omega the Hedgehog said:
Personally, for SPMoves' PSO mode's sake, I REALLY hope that nametags are reinstalled, at least as an optional thing. Please? ^^

Oh. And the speedblur thing. That'd be real neat too.
It was buggy. There is a reason it was removed, Omega. Just use the tab key and look at the rankings to see who everyone is.
It's not the same =(

What demo was it in, BTW?
It wasnt in the FinalDemo series. I've used to play 4.35 in school, so I'm sure it was removed after that demo. What WAS the bug anyway? What's the reason you took it off?
That was actually sort of an advantage, preferably at tag. The only way they would put if back is if it only works if the player's near you.
I think there should be an object that sends some one some where else when you die in multiplayer. Like a prison. So in CTF you could get killed by an a player in the opposite team you get sent to a prison. When one of your team members presses a button everyone is let go until it closes like 5 seconds after. It could be used for lots of other interesting things too. Its only limited to the imagination of the person making the map. There should be three objects for it then.
1. Normal Death Point
2. CTF Blue Death Point
3. CTF Red Death Point
What do you think??
I've seen the idea in other FPS games before, but I'm not really sure how it would work with the small netgames SRB2 has. Heck, we can't even get a simple Team Match or CTF game going without people whining and constantly switching teams. I kinda get the feeling that if this was implemented people would just switch to the other team and then switch back to get out of the box.
That sounds a little like dogdeball to me. Its still a nice idea though, but I prefer it to be a new ring that will send them to jail for a limited time. Having the properties of tag of course.

Either way, it would be nice to get a message once you get out of jail, like "You can stop whining now" or something.
I have a cool idea: multiplayer modes but using bots as players. Good for training, isn't?
Bots will without a doubt not work. The structure of a map is just too complex for a computer to navagate on it's own.

As for the death place thing, it could be done using clever manipulation of deathmatch start placement and linedef executors.
When set to deaf, Detons should move in a straight line toward it's enemy like it normally does, but instead of following you, it should fly at where you were when it first saw you.

It could rain Detons when you go through a doorway o.o.

Edit: Oh yeah, one more thing.
A command (paintballslinger 1?) To change the game to paintball mode. Along with that, have a key set to cycle through different colors of paintballs to shoot. When you shoot walls, they should have little colored "bullet holes" and when you shoot other people, they should change the color of your paintball. :P
Here's some interesting ideas.(I know it may not be very likely, but who knows. People are making a lot of mods of SRB2. :wink: )

Freeze-Ring: Moves slower than a normal ring, but if it hits, the target will freeze on the spot for about... 5 seconds sounds good. Perhaps even a console option to change how long they freeze...

Ring of Doom: Very hard to get, and has a 10-second duration, but causes instant death to those who get hit by it. Moves at the speed of a normal ring.

Force Ring: If it hits, the target will be launched away. Slightly faster than a normal ring. It also slightly pushes away all players it passes. In CTF, if you hit an ally with it, it won't cause him to drop his rings, but it will blow him quite a distance.

Big Ring: A big ring... Big rings mean more accuracy. :roll: Slightly longer attack delay.

Boomerang Rings: Comes back to the shooter when shot. Does not come back if it hits something. Like a player. It's like a second-chance thing. Slightly longer attack delay.

Spring Rings: Like the Force ring, except it launches the opponent upwards. (Imagine having a ceiling that does damage. ;) ) (Might also be handy for CTF if you hit an ally with it.)

There ya go. my thoughts. Feel free to be disturbed by them. ^_^
Those are good ideas. I dont know if SSN would want any of them in. The death objects would be a special treat for a mapper like me. I have a new idea that may be a bit insane. A match mode based on the new Shadow The Hedgehog game. We could attach weapons to our characters arm sort of like the Super Sonic cape. So then we could fire bullets, large plasma blasts and all sorts of funky things. Then we could have special sectors that would be affected by these large blasts. Like a basic breakable sector. Bullets would leave large sprite marks on walls and the same with plasma blasts. I can actually see this working. It may seem a bit crazy but when you use your imagination it looks very fun!!! :mrgreen:
I like the ice ring, though it should be toned down to, say, 3 seconds.

Another idea is a flaming ring; it causes players to run uncontrollably (well, you can turn, but you can't slow) for 3 seconds, which is really good for platforms above bottomless pits. However, it has limited ammo (assuming the secondary fire button introduces ammo), and is incompatible with ice.
How about a reverse-control ring? If hit, left is right and forward is backwards, and vice versa.
A ring that makes players turn uncontrollably would be funny to use. :P
Hehe...I've had a lot of ideas on rings myself, and a lot of the ones here I've already thought of at one point or another.

Just so you know, in 1.09, the Rail and Explosion rings already do a "force ring" effect, knocking you back 2x and 3x normal. A direct Rail+Explosion shot will knock you 6x the normal distance you would fly from getting hit.
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