Stuff to put in 1.09

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How about a sector linedef tag, that, will play a certain sound effect. Or a thing.

For ex. You have DSSND005 in your wad, and there is a thing that says something like "SOUND", with a tag of 5.
How about a "Toggle" Linedef exec? eg. One that toggles the ceiling height when you step on it, or toggles the music. Saves time, you know!

Oh, is it possible to make srb2 16 or 24 bit? Oh, wait... I guess not because the way a WAD file image works...
hotdog003 said:
How about a "Toggle" Linedef exec? eg. One that toggles the ceiling height when you step on it, or toggles the music. Saves time, you know!
Toggle buttons are possible in 1.09.
Not sure if this has been suggested yet, but how about reappearing breakable FOFs? They would work about the same way as the reappearing crumbling FOF, respawning a little while after it has been destroyed.
On that note, what about translucent FOFs with special properties, like a translucent FOF that falls, or is breakable? This would be good for ice and windows that might break.
Invisible Falling FOFs. Invisible Platforms. Invisible Falling Platforms. Translucent Falling FOFs. Translucent Platforms. Translucent Falling Platforms. Falling Platforms are already in.
I just thought of something else: One Way FOFs. We already have the platform, but something I've noticed is this-there is no way to make a one way barrier in anyother direction, especially to the side, without a complicated medley of FOFs and a platform. This has really been getting on my nerves with my latest level, and I was thinking about the feasiblity of having FOFs like platforms, but in different directions.
That can be faked through linedef execs. Have a intangible seeable FOF wall, and a solid wall behind it, when player stands JUST before it, have the solid wall go up really quickly, then when the player is JUST over the other side, have it go back down.
Why not make a floor type that, the longer you're on the floor type, the quicker and quicker it moves you in one direction, while still giving a limit to the resistence, to simulate slopes.
Jackel, are you still going on about that? I'm telling you it really doesn't work.

Use the brain you were born with and figure out why yourself.
Oh, I was thinking in terms of elevators and read "the quicker and quicker it moves you in one direction" to mean "the quicker and quicker the floor moves up or down." Now I see the vague connection to slopes there, but I can't see it working.
Not too much. Anyone could understand it. No tags. Would you like me to send you the WAD file? It's not too important, though.
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