Stuff to put in 1.09

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Sounds sorta like Capture the flag, but instead of getting your opponents stuff, you find rings.

Actually, I'd like to try a new game mode like that. The levels I bet would look pretty cool
Again, disagree. What happens when you get the perfect bonus? After you've discovered every detail of every level, is there any reason to play anymore? Or have you just wasted the game?

In that case, just call it an "All Rings" bonus. You could even have an "All Enemies" bonus as well... of course, now if we get into tons and tons of bonuses we're starting to sound like Duke Nukem II with all of its hidden bonuses at level ends...

Armageddon is rare enough. It's not like we just didn't think of that situation, it happens all the time.

When it does happen though whoever got it is likely going to win. It's just a lucky break more than anything. To give an example, I was doing a Chaos match with just one opponent with a point limit of 20000. I had something-hundred points and I grabbed an armageddon shield. I use it, game ends, I have 50-something-thousand points.

I just feel it unbalances Chaos mode to score chains with it, that's all.

I know srb2 is supposed to be like the old games and everything, but it bugs me when the invincibility jingle-type-thing makes the music start over, how about making it play in the background instead of stopping the music?

In the game I'm working on right now there's Impulse Tracker music running in the background. SRB2 uses OGG I believe. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) On a P120 my game runs perfectly with the music off. If I turn the music on the framerate drops to about 2-3 FPS. Running two IT streams at once would kill low end systems. OGG isn't nearly as processor intensive as IT, but running two streams at once would likely destroy the framerate on systems that are only just able to run SRB2.

--- Gemini
Gemini said:
* New Game Mode: Ring Hunt! Each player has a base (like a beacon or some other sprite) randomly positioned within the level and must collect rings and bring them back to their base to score points. Enemies can be enabled or disabled (like in Chaos mode) and time limits and point limits set. When you drop rings from being attacked the exact number you had is dropped, and to keep it from congesting a level every 10 rings is dropped as a silver ring and every 100 is dropped as a red ring, but again, you only score points for bringing rings home, not for shooting others. The more you bring back at a time the better the score. (1 ring = 10 points, 2 rings = 30 points, 3 = 60 points, 4 = 100 points, 100 = 50,500 points, etc.)

That's nothing! I have a better idea for a new game mode! Y'see, it's called "super monkey decapitation marathon", where players run around weilding machetes and meatcleavers, and both teams must compete to be the first to find the hidden monkey, and then- *CENSORED!* Ok, I'll shut up now. I agree, that game mode kinda sounds fun. And if enough of us demand it, it may eventually become a reality! ...If STJr would get off of their lazy asses. :mrgreen:
I know this sounds kind of childish, but a hide-and-go-seek-tag mode might work well. I mean, have one person be selected randomly at the start of the round to be it. A timer of oh, say 30 seconds counts down, for the players to hide. When it reaches zero, all the players' become frozen, besides the "IT". If the IT has a player in sights, it'll let both the IT and the player know this, unfreeze that one player and let him to to home base. Continue until one of the players is hit with a ring or all the players make it successfully to home base.

Also, team-tag would be fun as well. Basically it's tag, but if you're tagged by the IT then the IT is still it, but so are you. So basically when you tag somebody with a ring, you stay it but they become it too. Continue until the last player is tagged, who is proclaimed the winner. Each player would also get scored on if they were the 1st one tagged, 5th one, ect. For those of you who own Timesplitters 2 and have unlocked the muiltiplayer mode "Virus", you know what I mean. Oh, and if you put this one in, a better name for it would probably by Elimination.

These are all games I loved to play as a kid, and JTE and I already faked the hide-and-go-seek-tag mode in match, so well... at least try the concept before ditching it :roll:
We aren't adding new game modes. There are already six and nobody plays them (enough for my satisfaction).
Hey, maybe you could make an Onslaught mo- *shot*

As for the "Perfect Bonus" deal... well, once you obtain the goal of doing that, you then go and try to do it even faster. And faster. And faster still. I mean, if it worked for the DOOM and Quake communities...

Of course, we're a bit smaller community, but that's not the point.
a441 said:
We aren't adding new game modes. There are already six and nobody plays them (enough for my satisfaction).

See what I mean? LAZY. C'mon, you can think of a better excuse than that! *shot*
Ritz said:
a441 said:
We aren't adding new game modes. There are already six and nobody plays them (enough for my satisfaction).

See what I mean? LAZY. C'mon, you can think of a better excuse than that! *shot*

Not lazy. Realistic. Adding new game modes would make SRB2 take even LONGER than it already is.
Ya pretty much people left and right are makeing new levels, But I haven't seen any new characters in a long time have you, and makeing some new Items, man that place is empty.
srb2 is to emulate classic games going to s3&k make your own wads to modify the game but dont ask them to make new characters
Some new spring desings would be really cool. Y'now, like spirals or checker paterns. I'd probably do it myself if I knew how.
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